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Large exponents 2004-03-26
John pose la question :
I have encountered problem with the lack of memory every calculator seems to have. No calculator, on or off the computer, I've found has the amount of memory or writing space to calculate the sums I want to solve. The sums are in great importance for my continued progress. The sums are following:

16777216^1310270, 16777215^995328, 16777215^786432 and 16777215^480000

Claude Tardif lui répond.
Sections, area and acres 2004-03-23
Tony pose la question :
An acre , it can be any size right . so when they refer to a section of a township which is 640 acres, also 1 square mile does this mean that 1 sections length if sqaure and there is 5,280 ft in 1 mile does it meanthat if you took 1 side of the square of of 4 sides the lenth would be 5,280 feet long and by multiplying 5,280 x 5,280 it would give you the square mile in square feet. i guess what I 'm asking is what is the perimeter of 1 acre if it was shape like a square. sorry to make this confusing but if you can help I would appreciate it.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Four marbles on a box 2004-03-22
Karyn pose la question :
Suppose 2 solid color marbles and 2 striped marbles are placed in a box. All are the same size. If one marble is randomly drawn from the box and replaced, then a second marble is randomly drawn, what is the probability that the marble drawn both times will be striped?

I know there is a simple formula for working this out but I can't remember how.

Penny Nom lui répond.
What's the next term? 2004-03-22
Garrett pose la question :

A friend hit me with these questions and won't tell me the answer nor how... please help? I've racked my brain and did all sorts of formulas, but I can't get it to work out... please...

What's the next number in this series... 5, 12, 17, 29, 46, ?

And this series... 12, 19, 28, 39, 52, 67, ?

and these... ocoa, boco, oboc, dobo, odob, ?

Claude Tardif lui répond.
BEDMAS 2004-03-20
Brad pose la question :
I am in grade 7. My teacher tells me brackets always first, well i know that but, 5 (-4) x 2

Does the (-4) count as a bracket or is it just telling you not to minus 4 from 5 but to multiply 5 x -4 ? Am i correct?

Penny Nom lui répond.
A partial derivative 2004-03-19
Penny Nom pose la question :
Is it possible to differentiate the following equation, if so could you please explain.


I would like the derivative of S with respect to X.

Harley Weston lui répond.
(x+y)^n = x^n + y^n + Z 2004-03-18
Jean-Sébastien pose la question :
Bonjour, je me m’appelle Jean-Sébastien et je suis étudiant en secondaire 4. Je me demandais s’il est possible de développer le terme (x+y)n, lorsque n est un entier positif. Il est évident que xn+yn fera partie de la réponse mais comment définir le reste (Z dans l’exemple ci-dessous)?

(x+y)2 = x2+y2+2xy

(x+y)n = xn+yn+ Z

P.S. : Une preuve mathématique démontrant la possibilité ou l’impossibilité du problème serait grandement appréciée, merci.

Claude Tardif lui répond.
A fraction of a fraction as a percent 2004-03-18
Mary pose la question :

I would like to know if you could help me with this problem? Could you take me though the steps
to this math problems.

 3 =(?)% x 3
---       ---
16         4

the question states: Finding what is the percentage of a fractional number and another fractional number.

Penny Nom lui répond.
A water lily 2004-03-17
Inba pose la question :
A water lily with a rigid stem extends one foot above the surface of the water. When pulled over, it disappears beneath the water at a distance 3 feet from where the stem originally entered the water. How deep is the pond?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Factoring x^2 + 5x + 4 2004-03-14
Keenan pose la question :
how do I factor x^+5X+4?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Johann Muller 2004-03-14
A student pose la question :
What major contributions to spherical trigonometry did Johann Muller make?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Baseball games 2004-03-14
Fabian pose la question :
Let's say I have 12 different Baseball games. There is one of only 2 possible outcomes for each of the 12 games. How would I fugure out how many combinations there are for the 12 games and for 11,10, and so fourth.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A new baby 2004-03-14
Jessica pose la question :
I just had a baby 3weeks ago, he is in the hospital and he can come home when he is 1800 grams, well i was wondering how many pounds that is?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Some ratio problems 2004-03-13
Hossen pose la question :

1) After James spent 2/5 of his pocket money on magazines, and 1/4 of his pocket money at a football match, he had £1.75 left. How much pcket money did he have in the beginning?

2) A joint of Lamb costs £5.95 per/kg. The price per kilogram is reduced. A joint weighing 1.2kg is reduced by 50p.

A) What is the reduced price per kilogram?


Penny Nom lui répond.
Billions in Australia 2004-03-12
An Australian pose la question :
how many million in one billion ?
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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