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I have a trench to fill with concrete 2006-06-11
A builder pose la question :
i have a trench to fill with concrete the size is [57 feet long .x 18 inches wide. x 39 inches high.]would like to know how much concrete should i order.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Square feet and linear feet 2006-06-10
Richard pose la question :
Need to know how many linear ft are in 2800 sq.ft
Penny Nom lui répond.
Quel serait le cout total de production de 500 entrees 2006-06-10
Suzanne pose la question :
Chaque operateur traite des donnees pendant 7 heures 1/2 par jour, et peut s'acquitter d'une demande en 3 heures et 3/4. Combien d'operateurs faudra-t-il pour traiter 50 demandes en 1 jour.

Vous etes surveillant a l'entree des donnees. Pour atteindre vos objectifs vous engagez temporairement 2 commis a un salaire de 10$ et a raison de 8 heures par jour. Si chaque personne peut produire 50 entrees par jour, quel serait le cout total de production de 500 entrees.

Claude Tardif lui répond.
Un commis temporaire reclame 1200$ 2006-06-10
Suzanne pose la question :
Un commis temporaire reclame 1200$ pour 2 semaines de travail (5 jrs semaine) a raison de 15$ de l'heure. Au cours de ces 2 semaines, le commis a inclus par erreur dans ses heures de travail la periode de 30 min pour la pause de diner. Quel est le montant a payer...J'ai essaye de trouver une reponse et je n'y arrive pas.
Claude Tardif lui répond.
The volume of a roll 2006-06-09
Yogesh pose la question :
I have a roll which height is 63 inches & width is 11 inches i want to know that how to calculate the cubic meter of this roll
Penny Nom lui répond.
The hardest algebra question you know 2006-06-08
Steven pose la question :
could you send me the hardest algebra question you know and the work with it , i want to test a tutor. he a friend.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Flipping a coin 2006-06-08
John pose la question :
If a coin is flipped n times, where H is the number of heads after n flips, and T the number of tails, then will the quantity (H-T) change signs infinitely often as n goes to infinity?
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Designing a garage 2006-06-08
A builder pose la question :
I'm currently designing a garage and came upon this interesting math problem. I've tried using various methods to solve it but have so far been unsuccessful. I've included a picture as its far easier to show you my question than explain it verbally. I realize it could be done by trial and error but i'm looking for a real solution.
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
Tiling a floor 2006-06-08
Marguerite pose la question :
A builder is adding a 20' X 28' addition to a house. He has two choices: he can use 8" X 8" tile @ $.98 a tile or 12" X 12" tile @ $1.98 a tile. How much money would he save by using the least expensive choice?
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
Can you explain the differences between margin and mark up? 2006-06-07
Michelle pose la question :

I have a widget I buy for $10. I want to make a 40% margin on the product cost. What do I then sell to the customer for?

Also, can you explain the differences between margin and mark up?

Penny Nom lui répond.
A volume of revolution 2006-06-07
Colleen pose la question :
Find the exact volume in cubic units generated by rotating a region, R, around the
y-axis, given that R is the region bounded by the curve y = x3 and the lines x = 1 and
y = 8.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Dernier théorème de Fermat 2006-06-06
Jean-Claude pose la question :
Bonjour, je suis étudiant au baccalauréat en mathématique et j'aimerais savoir où et comment je peux me procurer la démonstration du dernier théorème de Fermat écrite par Wiles.
Claude Tardif lui répond.
How many yards will I need? 2006-06-06
Melba pose la question :
I'm am trying going to put mulch around the tree in my front yard. I am going for 6" deep and 4069.44 sq. in. around.
How many yards of dirt will I need?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Pyramids and cones 2006-06-06
Melissa pose la question :
I was wondering if a cone can be considered a pyramid. Looking at many definitions of pyramids I have read that pyramids come to a common vertex. A cone comes to a vertex. But I also read that pyramids all have triangular faces. In this case a cone would not be considered a pyramid. Am I correct?
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Excluded values 2006-06-05
Mike pose la question :

i need to find the excluded values of:

2n2-9n+4 / 2n2-5n-12

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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