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An odd function 2007-03-06
Dana pose la question :
If g(x) has a domain of all real numbers, name one point on a graph and explain why it must be there. g(x) is an odd function.
Penny Nom lui répond.
How much fill I would need 2007-03-06
Tracey pose la question :
Oh am I confused! I need to know how much fill I would need to cover an area that is 28 feet in diameter by 8 inches deep. Thank you ...
Penny Nom lui répond.
How many gallons of water in a mcf (million cubic feet)? 2007-03-06
Willene pose la question :
How many gallons of water in a mcf (million cubic feet)?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A goat problem 2007-03-06
Tish pose la question :
This question has a, b, c parts.

1. A square barn measures 14 meters on each side.A goat is tethered outside by a rope that is attached to one corner of the barn:
a. Suppose that the length of the rope is 8 meters. On how many square meters of land is the goat able to graze? What shape is formed?
b. Suppose that the rope is made twice as long as in part a. On how many square meters of land is the goat now able to graze?
c. Lastly, an addition to the barn wabuilt making it rectangular with dimensions 14 meters by 20 meters and extended the ength of the rope to 24 meters, on how many square meters of land is the goat now able to graze? meters

Penny Nom lui répond.
Rolling two dice 2007-03-06
Mary pose la question :
I have a test and I need to know how to figure out how to find the probability of rolling 2 dice and coming up with a 7 for both rolls. Could you please explain how to find the probability? Thank you. Mary
Penny Nom lui répond.
An irregular polygon 2007-03-06
Dike pose la question :
How do i construct an irregular polygon
Penny Nom lui répond.
circles 2007-03-06
chetna pose la question :
A large circle has a radius of 10cm.Given four congruent circles tangent to one another within the large circle what is the radius of the largest circle which will fit in the middle ?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A metal shroud for a outdoor fireplace 2007-03-06
Arnold pose la question :
I am making a metal shroud for a outdoor fireplace, it is basically a lampshade type pattern,like the bottom of a cone.The top has to be 6 inches to fit the 6 inch stovepipe,and the bottom will be a 24 inch circle. the sides will be 18 inches in length.With the cost of the sheet metal,I can only afford to cut this out once,can you help me with the pattern ?
Penny Nom lui répond.
What value of pi did the Indians use? 2007-03-06
gigi pose la question :
What value of pi did the indians use?
Penny Nom and Sara Ulmer lui répond.
Prove that the triangle ABC is isosceles 2007-03-05
Lisa pose la question :
I am stuck on this problem... If AB = CD (parellel line), and
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
One acre of water, one foot deep 2007-03-05
Jeff pose la question :
If you have one square acre of ground flooded with one foot of water and a pump that pumps 1000 gallons a minute how long would it take to drain the one acre of ground?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A counterfeit coin 2007-03-05
Delian pose la question :
Hi there, I have a counterfeit penny problem - however this one is slightly more challenging. I have twelve pennies, and one of them is counterfeit. The only difference between the counterfeit coin and the real ones is that the counterfeit is EITHER heavier or lighter than the others (We don't know which). I need to be able to solve this in only three weightings, and I REALLY NEED HELP!!!
Penny Nom lui répond.
The net for a pentagonal pyramid 2007-03-05
MaKayla pose la question :
How many bases does the net for a pentagonal pyramid have?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The tens digit of a really large number 2007-03-05
Sai pose la question :
How can i find the tens digit of a really large number? i was gven 63^15 + 15^63 in a competitive exam.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Area of a five-pointed star 2007-03-05
Ashley pose la question :
What is the area of a five pointed star inscribed in a circle with a radius of 10cm?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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