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An irregular pentagon 2007-03-08
kelly pose la question :
If I have a pentagon with 2 sides of length 5 and one with a length of 2, what are the lengths of other 2 sides?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A fountain as a parabola 2007-03-08
Emily pose la question :
I have to do a math project proving that something in real life is a parabola. I really need some help here because i don't know where to start. I want to do it on a fountain and prove it's a parabola but how do i do that? I would really appreciate it if you could help Emily
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Chords and arc lengths 2007-03-08
Angela pose la question :
my dad, who is a welder, asked me a question pertaining to chords and points on an arc to which I cannot for the life of me find an answer or an equation. if you could help, it would be much appreciated. I am sending an attachment of the problem.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Find the length of the belt 2007-03-08
Helen pose la question :
Find the length of the belt
Penny Nom lui répond.
The volume of a styrofoam cup 2007-03-08
leanna pose la question :
find the volume of a styrofoam cup if the diameter of the top is three inches, the diameter of the base is 2 inches, and the height is 4 inches.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A circle is stretched horizontally by a factor of 2 2007-03-07
bob pose la question :
I was wondering if you could double check my work?

the question is as follows:
The circle X^2+y^2-2x-3= 0 is stretched horizontally by a factor of 2 to obtain an ellipse what is the equation of this ellipse in general form?

Penny Nom lui répond.
How many feet is on one side of an acre? 2007-03-07
Melinda pose la question :
How many feet is on one side of an acre?
Melanie Tyrer lui répond.
Rotor-ride 2007-03-07
Jessie pose la question :
In a "Rotor-ride" at a carnival, people are rotated in a cylindrically walled "room". The room radius is 4.6m and the rotation frequency is 0.550 revolutions per second when the floor drops out. What is the minimum coefficient of static friction so that people will not slip down? People on this ride say they were "pressed against the wall". Is there really an outward force pressing them against the wall? If so, what is its source? If not, what is the proper description of their situation (besides scary)?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
An excavation 2007-03-07
Brandon pose la question :
you have and excavation area 140' long by 20' wide by 3' deep. What is the excavated volume?
Penny Nom and Brennan Yaremko lui répond.
nombre entier 2007-03-07
ROUILLARD pose la question :
Quel est le plus grand entier inférieur au quotient de 200/9 ? Merci de votre réponse. Je pense à 19. Est-ce exact ?
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Congruent shapes 2007-03-07
Bianka pose la question :
Could a triangle and a square ever be congruent? Explain.
Haley Ess lui répond.
An even function 2007-03-07
Dana pose la question :
Find a function t(x) such that t(x)/x+3 = y is an even function
Haley Ess lui répond.
The height of a hexagonal pyramid 2007-03-07
Carol pose la question :
i have been set a question that gives a regular hexagon and each of the sloping sides is 6cm from a corner of a base to the apex(point). it also has 2cm sides it looks sort of like this:

Penny Nom lui répond.
How much soil do I get? 2007-03-07
Robbi pose la question :
I have a garden area that is 19 feet by 11 feet and I would like it to be 2 feet deep. I need to know how much soil to get in feet and yards. Could you please give me the formulas to figure this out. Thanks Robbi
Penny Nom and Melanie Tyrer lui répond.
4th grade equivalent fractions 2007-03-07
Raymond pose la question :
5/8=?/16 ?=?
Melanie Tyrer and Sara Ulmer lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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