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The law of sines 2007-06-09
Felicia pose la question :
A parallelogram has one side that is 12.0 cm and one angle that is 65°. The shorter diagonal is 25.0 cm. To the nearest tenth of a centimetre, how long is the other side of the parallelogram? Use the sine law.
Penny Nom lui répond.
What is the total weight of the fish? 2007-06-08
Mike pose la question :
The tail of a fish weighs 9 oz. The head weighs as much as the tail and half of the body. The body weighs as much as the head and tail combined. What is the total weight of the fish?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A pipe full of water 2007-06-07
paul pose la question :
What is the volume of water in a 100mm inside diameter pipe that is 12.5 meters long What would be the pressure at the bottom if the pipe was installed in the vertical plain
Steve La Rocque, Penny Nom and Gabriel Potter lui répond.
Percent change over multiple periods of time 2007-06-07
Eric pose la question :
I am trying to show the percent change over multiple periods of time. Is there a formula for the percent change over multiple periods or will I have to calculate the percent change for each previous period versus the year prior?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Percentage below the monthly quota 2007-06-07
Greg pose la question :
Sales quantities for the month were 12,834 with a monthly quota of 14,796. What is the percentage below the monthly quota?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Two tangent lines to y=x^3 2007-06-07
stephanie pose la question :
find the equations of two tangent lines to the y=x^3 function through the point (2,8)
Penny Nom lui répond.
cos^3x+sin^3x=1 2007-06-07
sannier pose la question :
bonjour je bloque sur l'equation: cos^3x+sin^3x=1 j'ai essayé toute les formules de trigonometrie je n'y arrive pas.connaissez vous un moyen de resoudre cette equation ou de m'orienter?
Claude Tardif lui répond.
The "mode" of a set of numbers 2007-06-06
Anthony's mom pose la question :
we have a graph: Kindergarten has 1, 1st has 5, 2nd has 4, 3rd has 3
is the mode "1st grade" because there are more children in that grade?

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Yards of top soil 2007-06-06
Cristina pose la question :
How many yards of top soil do I need in a area of 2000 square feet with 18" depth.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A weighted score 2007-06-05
Cindy pose la question :
We need to weight numbers differently in terms of a percentage calculation. One number {80 for example} at 65% and another number {100 for example} at 35%. How do we calculate these into one total grade for example.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Rate of change of distance between the clock hands 2007-06-05
Jonathan pose la question :
A certain Clock has a minute hand with a length of 4 inches long and an hour hand with a length of 3 inches long. How fast is the distance between tips of these hands changing at 9:00?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The cost of laying cable 2007-06-05
Gilligan pose la question :
MetroMedia cable is asked to provide service to a customer whose house is located 2 miles from the road along which the cable is buried. The nearest connection box for the cable is located 5 miles down the road. If the installation cost is 10 dollars per mile along the road and 14 dollars per miles off the road, express the total cost C of installation as a function of the distance x (in miles) from the connection box to the point where the cable installation turns off the road. Give the domain. Also, compute the cost if x = 1 mile and if x = 3 miles. In order to use the given values for x, do I need a formula? If so, what is that formula? I can take it from there.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Solving a quadratic equation using the Quadratic Formula 2007-06-05
Stuart pose la question :
Solve the following quadratic equation: 3xsquared-5x-4=0
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The area of equilateral triangle 2007-06-05
solomon pose la question :
describe the area of equilateral triangle in terms of its side? solve in two ways.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Probability tree - two switches failing 2007-06-05
Maura pose la question :
draw a probability to show the outcomes of two new switches (a) of both switches being faulty (b)both switches are not faulty (c) that one switch is faulty. The failure rate is 1/10.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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