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What is the name of the shape that is 3D and irregular? 2007-06-14
alan pose la question :
What is the name of the shape that is 3D and irregular?
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
Circumscribing a golden cuboid with a sphere: surface areas 2007-06-14
Ainslie pose la question :
A golden cuboid is defined as a rectangular prism whose length, width and height are in the ratio of phi : 1 : 1/phi.
Prove that the ratio of the Surface Areas of the golden cuboid to that of the sphere that circumscribes it is Phi : Pi.

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A geometry problem 2007-06-14
Shamik pose la question :
ABC is any triangle and D and E are 2 points on AB and AC, respectively. M is the mid-point of BE and N is the mid-point of CD. Prove that the area of the triangle (AMN) is 1/4 of that of the quadrilateral(BCED). Use plane-geometry without using co-ordinates to find the solution.
Shamik Banerjee and Chris Fisher lui répond.
A system of linear equations 2007-06-14
Alfredo pose la question :
A student club sponsored a jazz concert and charged $3 admission for students, $5 for faculty, and $8 for the general public. The total ticket sales amounted to $2542. Three times as many students bought tickets as faculty. The general public bought twice as many tickets as did the students. Set up the equations that determine how many tickets were sold to each group and solve.
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
The composition of functions 2007-06-14
Gilligan pose la question :
Question from Gilligan, a student:

Let f(x) = x^2, g(x) = 3x and h(x) = (sqrt{x}) + 1. Express each function as a composite of f, g and/or h.

(1) p(x) = 3(sqrt{x}) + 3

(2) Q(x) = (sqrt(sqrt{x}) + 1}) + 1

Penny Nom lui répond.
Angles of depression 2007-06-13
Phonda pose la question :
The pilot of a small private plane can look forward and see the control tower for a small airstrip. Beyond that is a large factory that is 3 milies from the airstrip. The angles of depression are 12.5 degrees and 4.8 degrees respectively. Find the airplane's altitude, to the nearest ten feet.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A probability problem 2007-06-13
Lina pose la question :
A point P is selected at random from the interior of the pentagon with vertices A = (0,2), B = (4,0), C = (2 π+1,0), D = (2 π+1,4), and E = (0,4). What is the probability that
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
Looking in the mirror 2007-06-13
annafe pose la question :
why do you think that when you look at the mirror your face is just the same as what it is,while when you read messages on the mirror,it is in inverse?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The size of a lot 2007-06-13
Larry pose la question :
This is driving me crazy, I know i learned this in college but that was so many years ago haha. I am trying to determine how many acres my property is. Unfortunately everywhere i look is like another language to me when seeing these formulas. My property is square shaped so starting from one side and just working around the dimensions are: 114 feet x 95.88 feet x 100 feet x 91.91 feet.
Penny Nom lui répond.
What is the size of the circle it would make? 2007-06-13
ed pose la question :
i have a piece of sheet metal 56' 6" long what is the size of the circle it would make
Penny Nom lui répond.
Standard Deviation 2007-06-13
Adrian pose la question :
If you are told that the mean salary of a certain group of workers is $30,000 with a standard deviation of $4000, what proportion of workers earn over $38,000? What proportion of workers earn less than $18,000? Assume the distribution of wages is normal.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Percentage increase and decrease 2007-06-13
Anna pose la question :
I just want to if the following formula is used for the computation of a PERCENTAGE DECREASE:

Old Value - New Value/ Old Value x 100%

My immediate superior is under the impression that the said formula works ONLY for the computation of a percentage INCREASE. He believes that the formula for a percentage DECREASE:

Old Value - New Value/ NEW Value x 100%

On this score, I want to know the correct formula for the computation of percentage decrease. Thank you so much.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Express a certain variable as a function of another variable 2007-06-12
Gilligan pose la question :
The volume V of a right circular cone is V = (1/3)pi(r^2)(h). If the height is TWICE the radius, express the volume V as a function of r.
I see the phrase "express a certain variable as a function of another variable" a lot in math books. What exactly does that mean? Is there another way to say the same thing?

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Composition functions 2007-06-12
Gilligan pose la question :
Find functions f and g so that f(g(x)) = H.
(1) H(x) = (1 + x^2)^(3/2)
(2) H(x) = int(x^2 + 1)
I don't know where to start.

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A ten- foot long board is cut into three pieces 2007-06-12
Cynthia pose la question :
How do I solve this problem?

A ten- foot long board is cut into three pieces. The second piece is half as long as the first. The third piece is 4 1/2 longer than the second. How long is the first?

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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