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Using the Pythagorean Theorem 2007-06-18
cynthia pose la question :
Hi, If I have a question with a right triangle and it asks.... If ABC is say 400 miles. How much shorter will the miles be if I travel from BC? I don't exactly remember the question but, I would I solve a problem similiar to this one?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The length of an arc 2007-06-18
Lenny pose la question :
How do you find out the arc length of a sector 50 degrees wide??
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
Babylonian geometry 2007-06-17
marleen pose la question :
The following problem and the solution were found on a Babylonian tablet dating from about 2600BC:

60 is the Circumference, 2 is the perpendicular, find the chord.


Thou double 2 and get 4
Take 4 from 20, thou gettest 16
Square 16, thou gettest 256
Take 256 from 400, thou gettest 144

Whence the square root of 144, 12 is the chord.

Such is the procedure. Modern day mathematicians have reasoned that the Babylonian Mathematician who solved this problem assumed that the value of Pi is 3. By explaining in detail how the Babylonian Mathematician must have solved this problem, justify the reasoning of the modern mathematicians.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.

The Golden gate bridge 2007-06-17
Khan pose la question :
I am doing a project on parabola and Bridges. I have chosen the Golden gate bridge as my bridge. Now The suspension cables are shaped like a parabola.

We have to derive an equation for this parabola. We have to assume the vertex is (0,0). Now I am having troubles writing the equation in standard form.

The information is this Height of tower above water: 746 ft = 227 m

Height of tower above roadway: 500 ft = 152 m

Length of one side span: 1,125 ft = 343 m

length of suspension span including main span and side spans: 1.2 miles = 6,450 ft

Now my question is this, i KNOW THE standard form for this parabola opening up would be (x-h)squared = 4a (y-k)

Since h,k are 0,0 the equation will now take the form of xsquared = 4ay My question is to find the equation I need to know A how do i get this a based on the above provided info. Thanks for your help and concern.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Period of a sum of trig functions 2007-06-17
Aakash pose la question :
the period of the function f(x)=cos3x+sin4x+tan4x
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Isoperimetric area comparison 2007-06-17
michael pose la question :
An equilateral triangle and a regular hexagon have equal perimeters. If the area of the triangle 10, what is the area of the hexagon?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
An inequality 2007-06-16
jerry pose la question :
Two real numbers a and b satisfy the equation ab=1.
i) Prove that a^6 + 4b^6 >4
ii) Find out whether the inequality a^6 + 4b^6 >4 holds for all a and b such that ab = 1

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Solving a literal equation 2007-06-15
Allen pose la question :
Solve each literal equation for the indicated variable. D= C-S/n (solve for s) and A=1/2h (B+b) (solve for b)
Penny Nom lui répond.
Compatible numbers 2007-06-15
meryl pose la question :
what is a compatible number? ex.6,321/8
Penny Nom lui répond.
What is the 100th term? 2007-06-15
George pose la question :
I have the sequence 50,120,235,406,644

the 1st difference is 70,115,171,238
the 2nd difference is 45,56,67
the 3rd difference is 11,11

i used the a*n^3+b*n^2+c*n+d rule but the a turns out to be a decimal because 11/6 is 1.833333333 and so i cant find the formula for the 100th term term.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Algebra : 9x + 7 = 5x - 3 2007-06-15
Allen pose la question :
I am having a problem solving for x. The problem is: 9x + 7 = 5x - 3
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Probability and blood type 2007-06-15
Jim pose la question :
Blood Type Male Female Total
O 80 370 450
A 150 250 400
B 50 50 100
AB 20 30 50
Total 400 600 1000
What is the probability that the person selected is female if the person’s blood type is O?
What is the probability that the person selected has blood type AB if the person is male?
What is the probability that the person selected is a female with blood type O?

Penny Nom lui répond.
An 18% reduction 2007-06-15
darren pose la question :
I have a figure of 627.30 i need to find out what the original amount was before 18% was taken away to leave the 627.30
Penny Nom lui répond.
Drawing a regular hexagon 2007-06-15
Brady pose la question :
I'm having troubles drawing a regular hexagon. i know that each angle is 120 degrees but when i do that the length aren't perfect...is there a trick or an easier way of doing this task? thnx.
Walter Whiteley lui répond.
Simplifying a quartic rational expression using long division 2007-06-14
Megan pose la question :
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.



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