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How much would 3 yards of stone cost? 2007-08-21
Sue pose la question :
If it costs $13.50 a ton of 3/4" stone, how much would 3 yards of stone cost?
Steve La Rocque lui répond.
Percentage difference between a microcentury and 50 minutes 2007-08-21
Wonder pose la question :
A lecture period (50 min) is close to 1 microcentury. Find the percentage difference from the approximation?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The surface area of a prism 2007-08-21
Iliyas pose la question :
State the area of prism with logical proof?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The tens digit 2007-08-21
Arul pose la question :
Hi.. Please help me on this question.. Sequence 2, 7, 22,…after the first three terms, each term is three times the previous term plus 1, a(n+1)=3an + 1. What is the sum of tens digit 33rd and tens digit of the 35 term?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Percentage change 2007-08-21
Saleena pose la question :
Hiya, my name is Saleena and I'm studying business at college. My question for you is what is the percentage change of turnover of the following supermarket.

Turnover (Millions) - ASDA

2001 -10,732
2002 -12,188
2003 -13,326
2004 - 14,318
2005 -14,865

Penny Nom lui répond.
A mixture problem 2007-08-21
Arul pose la question :
Hi Please help me with this question Seed mixture X is 40 percent ryegrass and 60 percent bluegrass by weight; seed mixture Y is 25 percent ryegrass and 75 percent fescue. If a mixture of X and Y contains 30 percent ryegrass, what percent of the weight of this mixture is X ?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Combining probabilities 2007-08-20
Arul pose la question :
Xavier, Yvonne, and Zelda each try independently to solve a problem. If their individual probabilities for success are 1/4, 1/2 , and 5/8 , respectively, what is the probability that Xavier and Yvonne, but not Zelda, will solve the problem ?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Markup 2007-08-20
Drew pose la question :
I own a manufacturing business and I need to figure out the best way to mark up our products so that we can make a profit for this year. Say for instance we have a plow that we can make for $938.00. We need to mark it up 20% so that we have some income. Do we take the $938 x 20% = $1125.60 or $938 / 80% = $1172.50?
Stephen la rocque and Harley Weston lui répond.
A geometry problem 2007-08-20
samhita pose la question :
ABC is a triangle. Let D be a point on side BC produced beyond B such that BD=BA. Let M be the mid-point of AC. The bisector of angle ABC meets DM at P. Prove that angle BAP=angle ACB.
Chris Fisher lui répond.
A sixth degree equation 2007-08-20
Farzan pose la question :
Dear friends I need to solve this equation with an understandable method for high-school students : (6.67*5.98*10^13/(R^2*2))^2 + 6.67*5.98*10^13/R = (7.27*10^-5*R)^2 please solve this problem if you have time.
Harley Weston lui répond.
I want to fill the hole up with dirt 2007-08-19
Roger pose la question :
I have an 18 foot round hole which is 16 inches deep. I want to fill the hole up with dirt. How much dirt do I need to fill the hole??
Penny Nom lui répond.
How many dusters are required? 2007-08-19
SUSAN pose la question :
I have a roof that is 40,000 sq. ft. x 3 in. thick. I'd like to know how many 20 yard dumpster it would take to tear the roof off
Harley Weston lui répond.
What feature on a graph shows the solution? 2007-08-19
San pose la question :
To solve the equation 2sinx+square root 3=0, what feature of the graph, in the form y=asinx+b would show the solution? Draw a graph to show the solution. thanks.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A square problem 2007-08-19
Amanda pose la question :
Consider a square with side s, diagonal d, area A and perimeter P.

a) express the diagonal in terms of the side.
b) express the area in terms of the diagonal.

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The area of a five sided lot 2007-08-19
Karyn pose la question :
I have been looking at your site, but I am still confused as to how to figure out the exact square footage of my irregular lot (since it is a gradual fan lot from the front, and triangles out in the back).
Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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