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Given the arc length and chord length, what is the radius? 2007-10-10
Wayne pose la question :
I have the actual length of an arc plus the length of the cord. How do I determine the radius of the arc.
Harley Weston lui répond.
Parabolic suspension bridge 2007-10-09
Jessica pose la question :
A suspesion bridge with weight uniformly distributed along its length has twin towers that extend 75 meters abouve the road surfce and are 400 meters apart.The cables are parabolic in shape and are suspended from the tops of the towers. The cables touch the road surface at the center of the bridge. Find the height of the cables at a point 100 meters from the center. (Assume that the road is level.)
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
La somme des «N» premiers nombres naturels impairs 2007-10-09
Dominique pose la question :
Quelle expression algebrique représente la somme des «N» premiers nombres naturels impairs ?
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Simplifying algebraic expressions 2007-10-09
Sakeena pose la question :
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Parabolic arch 2007-10-09
Nisa pose la question :
A parabolic arch has a span of 120 feet and a maximum height of 25 feet. Choose suitable rectangular coordinate axes and find the equation of the parabola. Then calculate the height of the arch at points 10 feet,20feet,and 40 feet from the center.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Base 10 to base 5 2007-10-09
Angela pose la question :
I've been searching online for the past week and I cannot find an Algorithm to convert from base 10 to base 5. Can anyone give me a step-by-step instruction on how to do this?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Simplifying rational expressions 2007-10-09
Bama pose la question :
x(x-2)+1 divided by x^2-3x+2
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Subtracting rational expressions 2007-10-09
Pamela pose la question :
6p – w     __     4c + p
 w – 4             w – 4

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Mixing cement 2007-10-09
Sandra pose la question :
How many bags of cement do I need for a floor for a house that is 8meters long, 8meters wide and 50cm deep.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Factoring quadratics 2007-10-09
Abbie pose la question :
I have two problems same topic. I belive they cannot be factored but i want to make sure.

Penny Nom lui répond.
calculating percentages for my class 2007-10-09
Cori pose la question :
I teach a class in which there are seven projects/quizzes worth 10% each, and the midterm and the final are each worth 15%. No problem figuring out their final grade, but I have to give a mid-term average, having only FOUR of the seven 10% things, and the midterm test. The closest I've come to an accurate "average" is to just add them together (as equals) and average them.
Victoria West & Harley Weston lui répond.
Area and side length of a hexagonal tent 2007-10-09
Mark pose la question :
Trying to buy a tent with 6 sides, in the catalog they give me sq. ft., what is the distance from side to side of a hexagonal tent with an area of 90 sq. ft.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Grouped data 2007-10-08
Nimra pose la question :
The following sets of data represent the distributions of
house prices in the north-east and south-west of a country.
Random samples of 100 houses were selected in each region.
(a) Calculate the mean, median and standard deviation for

Harley Weston lui répond.
Coin jar 2007-10-07
a student pose la question :
Sally empties his jar of coins. It contains $3.75 in nickels, dimes, and quarters. The number of dimes is twice the number of nickels and the number of quarters is three less than the number of nickels. Determine how many nickels, dimes, and quarters were in the in the jar.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Doubling every day 2007-10-07
Jerrie pose la question :
Patti saved pennies for 10 days. The first day she saved 1 cent. Every day after that she saved twice as much as the day before. How much money did Patti save altogether?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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