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Square yards 2007-11-30
Chad pose la question :
I need to convert 4,599 Cubic Yards to Square yards. The thickness is 10 inches. Is there a formula for this conversion. Thanks,
Penny Nom lui répond.
Integers in sports 2007-11-30
Tariana pose la question :
hey i have a project to do and i was wondering , What sports use integers?
Penny Nom and Victoria West lui répond.
The area of a triangle 2007-11-30
Kevin pose la question :
if the base of the triangle is 13ft and the altitude is 6ft then what is the area, and how do we calculate this?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Gross sales 2007-11-30
tom pose la question :
here is my question: trying to determine what gross sales were.

I have.....Gross sales - (gross X .0675) = 2,245,009

Penny Nom lui répond.
The dimensions of a box 2007-11-30
nephi pose la question :
if i wanted to make a box that was 0.35 ~ 0.7 Cubic Feet on the inside how would i go about making the measurements for the outside?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The square footage of a property 2007-11-30
Warren pose la question :
The west property line is 240' long with a 90-degree angle to the south property line.
The south property line is 493' long with a 90-degree angle to the east property line.
The east boundary is 165' long.
The length of the north property line is not known but it is a straight line from the north end of the east property line to the north end of the west property line.

Could you please tell me the total square feet and how many acres?
And how you calculated the answer

Penny Nom lui répond.
Exponential form 2007-11-30
Sasha pose la question :
How do I write the number 127398 in exponential for?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The scale of a picture 2007-11-30
Sylvia pose la question :
1. A artist draws a picture of a house with a rose brush in front. In his picture the rose brush is 1.5 cm high and the house is 7.5 cm high. In reality the rose brush is 0.75 m high. How tall is the house in reality (in meters)? Explain

2. There are six short pieces of link chain. Each having four links. It takes 10 sec to cut a link and 25 sec to weld it back together. What is the shortest possible time to make the longest chain? Explain

Penny Nom lui répond.
Transformations and compositions 2007-11-29
mary pose la question :
Is there any possible relationship between composite functions and the concept of function transformations?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Density 2007-11-29
jessuca pose la question :
what is the density for 40g / 2 mL
Penny Nom lui répond.
Count the legs 2007-11-29
John pose la question :
There is a bus with 7 children inside of it
Each child has 7 rucksacks
In each rucksack there are 7 big cats
QUESTION: How many legs are in the bus?

Stephen La Rocque. lui répond.
An augmented matrix 2007-11-29
Beth pose la question :
I am having troubles fiinding this augnmented matrix. I know how to do it but everytime i do it it get a different answer and its not the right answer. Could you help me to make sure I do it right?

Here is the problem:
4x - 3y = 5
2x +9y = 6

Harley Weston lui répond.
More on completing the square 2007-11-29
June pose la question :
x^2 - 6x = 16 I found you already had this question but the answer you gave did not help me to explain how to answer the problem for my daughter. I do not understand how to complete the square for this paticular question and the example you showed did not help. I would appreciate any further help you could give me.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The area of a hexagon 2007-11-29
Kay pose la question :
I need to find the area of a hexagon where each side is 400 ft. I also have to find how many acres that is.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The width of a property 2007-11-29
Angie pose la question :
I need to know what the footage is to find 8.1 acres knowing that the North boundary is 1309'
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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