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Area = 1/2 ab SinC 2007-12-03
Eileen pose la question :
Given: Acute triangle ABC, with a, b, c, being the respective opposite sides to angle A, angle B, angle C, and altitude, h, drawn from angle B to b. Prove: The area of trianlge ABC=1/2abSin C
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Sharing a cake 2007-12-03
Nikheel pose la question :
Amar baked a cake. john ate 1/6 of the cake. susan ate 1/5 of what was left. chan ate 1/4 of what was left. cindy ate 1/3 of what was left. luigi ate 1/2 of what was left. how much of the original cake was left.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Ball bearings in an oil can 2007-12-03
Lisa pose la question :
One hundred ball bearings with radius 5 mm are dropped into a cylindrical can, which is half full of oil. The height of the cylinder is 20 cm and the radius is 8 cm. By how much does the level of the oil rise?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Une sphere 2007-12-03
karine pose la question :
voici ce que je dois trouver ; j'aiune boule disco mesurant 48'' de diametre je veux savoir combien de petit miroir il y a sur cette boule si les petits miroires on 1'' carré ?
Claude Tardif lui répond.
n(n+1) est un nombre pair 2007-12-02
Christel pose la question :
Bonjour. J'aimerai savoir comment l'on peut démontrer que n(n+1) est un nombre pair. Si vous avez une méthode...Merci d'avance
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Delivering microwave ovens 2007-12-02
Barbara pose la question :
Fernando and Kevin are delivering microwave ovens to a local appliance store, whose freight elevator can hold no more than 900 pounds. If Fernando weighs 180 pounds, Kevin weighs 240 pounds, and the microwave ovens weigh 30 pounds each, how many microwaves can Fernando and Kevin deliver at one time if they must ride in the elevator as well?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
If x=18, prove that sin2x=cos3x. 2007-12-02
amy pose la question :
If x=18, prove that sin2x=cos3x.
find the exact values of sinx and cosx

Penny Nom lui répond.
Repeating decimals 2007-12-02
Jack pose la question :
I've been working on an equation to support my theory of repeating decimals. Specifically the correlation between the 9 and 11 denominators. I wanted to know if there was already an equation to describe this correlation? Mine is x/11=.b repeating and b=9x, so if you use any single digit number for x (say 4) if 9 x 4 = 36 then 4/11 = .36363636... I just want to know if this theory already exists and if so, what is it called?
Victoria West lui répond.
6 nickels, 4 dimes, and 2 quarters 2007-12-02
manny pose la question :
Suppose you have 6 nickels, 4 dimes, and 2 quarters in your pocket. If you draw a coin randomly from your pocket, what is the probability that

a. You will draw a dime?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Converting grams of hair spray into milliliters 2007-12-02
komal pose la question :
I am confused that i am converting 75grams of hair spray ( liquid) into ML? but i couldnt get the answer what is perfect answer for that please help me for this thing.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The area of an octagon inscribed in a circle 2007-12-01
Harry pose la question :
I need to find the area of an octagon in a circle. each point of the octagon touches the edge of the circle, and the circle's diameter = 4 cm. What is the area of the octagon
Penny Nom lui répond.
Blood type probabilities 2007-12-01
Noelle pose la question :
Question from Noelle, a student:

Blood Type % Population
O+               37.4%
O-                 6.6%
A+               35.8%
A-                 6.3%
B+                8.5%
B-                 1.5%
AB+              3.4%
AB-                 .6%

I need to make another table showing the probablility of meeting someone in each of the eight blood groups. I'm not sure how to find the probability with percentages. Thanks for your help.
Penny Nom lui répond.

What would be the cost of a 10 in * 15 in canvas? 2007-12-01
Jasmine pose la question :
a 40in *60 in canvas is sold for $60.00 if the price is determined by the cost of the material what would be the cost of a 10 in * 15 in canvas
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
What angle should he turn? 2007-12-01
Jasmine pose la question :
Bob is traveling due north he then turns left 45 degrees followed by four 20 degree turns to the right

What is his new heading if he needed to turn so his heading was SSW what direction and what angle should he turn?

Walter Whiteley lui répond.
The diameter of a gasket 2007-12-01
Jorge pose la question :
I have an application where I am using a circular silicone gasket. I have the total length but would like to calculate the diameter with the given length. What formula should be used? We receive these gaskets in a roll and cut them about 21 inches and glue the ends together to make it one piece. I would prefer to purchase these already cut and glued but require a diameter. If I had the overall diameter from a 21 inch length gasket, I can look on-line for a part that comes close to the diameter.


Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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