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How many litres of rain is this? 2008-09-01
Todd pose la question :
If i have 10mls of rain over one square metre how many litres would I and how do I do the maths for this?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The saddle height on a bicycle 2008-08-31
David pose la question :
The saddle height on a bicycle should be 109% of the inside leg measurement of the rider (http://www.harriscyclery.com). If the saddle height is 37 in., then what is the inside leg measurement?

I don't know how to set up the equation if you can teach me how to set it up it would be great thanks

Harley Weston lui répond.
Divide $100.00 between two friends 2008-08-31
anna pose la question :
divide $100.00 between two friends, so that one has $5.50 more than the other
Penny Nom lui répond.
A cardboard spaceship 2008-08-31
Lee pose la question :
I am building a "cardboard" spaceship for my 4 year old grandson. The cabin is a dishwasher box with a cool control panel and elipse shaped windows. I really need help designing the cone or"nosecone". The diameter of the base is 26", 24" tall, with a 6" diameter opening at the top. Thank you for the help! Lee
Penny Nom lui répond.
Vectors and an orientation change in the axes 2008-08-30
moumita pose la question :
what differences take place to a vector because of choice of orientation of the coordinate axes and why??
Harley Weston lui répond.
A roof angle 2008-08-30
carla pose la question :
Use vectors to find the angle in the attached diagram
Chris Fisher and Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
v-4(4-v) = -2(2v-1) 2008-08-29
c pose la question :
Please explain all the steps to solving this

v-4(4-v) = -2(2v-1)

Penny Nom lui répond.
Jean-Charles de Borda 2008-08-29
Joanne pose la question :
I am researching Jean-Charles de Borda as a mathmatician. What was his work focused on and where can I find more information?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Number of angles formed by rays 2008-08-29
Shon pose la question :
what is the formula for finding the number of angels that can be named by a given number of rays with the same endpoint?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The lengths of the sides of a rectangle are in ratio 5:3 2008-08-29
todd pose la question :
the lengths of the sides of a rectangle are in ratio 5:3 the perimeter of the rectangle is 32 cm find the length of each side
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The flight of an airplane 2008-08-29
kobina pose la question :
You are traveling on an airplane that is moving at 500 mph in a direction 40deg north of west.Therefore , You are travelling (due to the plane ) at how many mph toward the west.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
An algebraic expression 2008-08-29
Antonio pose la question :
write a variable expression for 9 less than k
Penny Nom lui répond.
A fraction word problem 2008-08-29
Sylvia pose la question :
The denominator of a fraction is 1 less than 4 times the numerator. If the numerator is doubled and the denominator is increased by 6, the value of the resulting fraction is 2/5. Find the original fraction.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A force vector 2008-08-28
moumita pose la question :
|F|=20N...this force is acting along a vector A=4j+3k.what is F?
Penny Nom lui répond.
How old are Brett and Jenny ? 2008-08-28
Todd pose la question :
Brett and Jenny are each 10 years old. The sum of their ages is 11. Brett is 5 years older than Jenny. How old are they?
Janice Cotcher and Victiria West lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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