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Aboriginal number groupings 2008-09-04
Barbara pose la question :
Our current place value system is based on the notion of 10s. Did Aborginal people use a similar system or did they group numbers differently?
Harley Weston lui répond.
The length of an arc 2008-09-04
Angie pose la question :
Segment PR is a diameter of circle S. If angle P =3D 25, find minor arc QR. This circle has an isosceles triangle in it, it is connected to the diameter,
Harley Weston lui répond.
A line parallel to y= 1/2x + 5 2008-09-03
Michelle pose la question :
Find the equation of a line parallel to y= 1/2x + 5 if the required line passes through ( 3,4)
Penny Nom lui répond.
Largest Inscribed Rectangle 2008-09-03
astrogirl pose la question :
find the shape and area of the largest rectangle that can be inscribed in a circle of a diameter a=2
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
I need an equation that best fits these numbers. 2008-09-03
Vallatini, pose la question :
Attached, please find a plotted curve (pdf file). I have pulled values from this curve (see below). I need an equation that best fits these numbers. Can you help?
Harley Weston lui répond.
How accurate is the following calculation? 2008-09-03
Craig pose la question :
Given that these numbers are only accurate to 2 decimal places, how accurate is the following calculation?

1.73 - 2.16 + 0.08 + 1.00 - 2.23 - 0.97 + 3.02 = 0.47

How do I work out the accuracy?

Penny Nom lui répond.
20 golfers playing 5 rounds in 4-somes 2008-09-03
joe pose la question :
20 golfers playing 5 rounds in 4-somes. 5 players in group A play with all 15 golfers in groups B,C,D but not with any in their own group (A). 5 players in group B play with all 15 players in groups A,C,D but not with any in their own group (B) and so on. So each 4-some has an A,B,C,&D player each of the 5 rounds.
Chris Fisher lui répond.
1,679,616 as a power of 6 2008-09-03
Denise pose la question :
express 1,679,616 in exponential form as a power of 6.
Penny Nom lui répond.
BEDMAS 2008-09-03
John pose la question :
I'm usually good at math but once i got to high school everything went blank for me. i am especially stuck on this one question 6+4[22 / 2-3x2]. please help! thanks
Penny Nom lui répond.
A circular swimming pool 2008-09-03
David pose la question :
A circular swimming pool with a diameter of 30ft and a horizontal bottom contains 22,000 gal of water. What is the depth of the water in the pool? (one cubic foot contains approximately 7.5 gal of water.)

I'm having a great deal of problem dealing with this, i dont know if the equation I'm using is correct or am i plugging it in the wrong place. V=TTr^2h . if you can could you please explain to me step by step on how to set up this problem? the horizontal bottom thrown me off the most

Penny Nom lui répond.
Tara's game show winnings 2008-09-02
David pose la question :
Tara paid one-half of her game-show winnings to the government for taxes. She invested one-third of her winning in Jeff's copy shop at 14% interest and one-sixth of her winnings in Kaiser's German Bakery at 12% interest. If she earned a total of $4000 on the investments in on year, then how much did she win on the game show?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A word problem with three numbers 2008-09-02
Wanda pose la question :
"Jabari is thinking of three numbers. The greatest number is twice as big as the least number. The middle number is three more than the least number. The sum of the three numbers is 75. Find the numbers."
Victoria West lui répond.
A rectangular tank of water 2008-09-02
Angela pose la question :
A rectangular tank is 80 ft long, 30 ft wide, and 20 ft deep. If 100,000 gallons of water were pumped into the tank, what would be the water rise?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Cows, chickens, heads and feet 2008-09-01
marina pose la question :
Iam helping my 6th grader son solve this problem. I found similar problem in the Q&A.I understood the simple answer without using an equation. I want to solve this using the equation.This is the question about chicken and cows. There are cows and chickens in the farm. There are 65 heads and 226 legs. How many chicken are there?
Harley Weston lui répond.
A triangle and an inscribed circle 2008-09-01
Nancy pose la question :
I'm a computer programming student, and I'm supposed to figure out how to find the area of a circle inside a triangle if someone types in the length of each side of the triangle.

So, a user can type in any three numbers they want into the three "side length" boxes, and I have to find the area of the circle that would fit inside the triangle they create from those values.

So the circle can be any size, depending on the size and shape of the triangle the user creates. The circle has to touch all three sides of the triangle somewhere. Then, my program calculates the area of the triangle and thus the area of the circle. I just need to know how the circle would change depending on the length of each side of the triangle that the user puts in. Is there a way to find out how the circle's area is related to the triangle around it?

Chris Fisher lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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