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Finding the Speed of a Truck 2008-09-08
Rita pose la question :
A state trooper is hidden 30 feet from a highway. One second after a truck passes, the angle theta between the highway and the line of observation from the patrol car to the truck is measured. (a) If the angle measures 15 degrees, how fast is the truck traveling? Express the answer in feet per second and miles per hour.
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
Pages in a Book 2008-09-08
Pandora pose la question :
Is there a easier way to explain to my child regarding "pages" problem - like when to add one? when to sub tract one? John read 46 pages in his new book. If he began reading at the top of page 33, on what page did he finish? and John needs to do 45 pages of problems in his workbook. He finished this assignment at the the bottom of page 99. On what gate did John begain? Thank you.
Walter Whiteley lui répond.
An associative binary operation 2008-09-08
Skye pose la question :
Suppose that * is an associative binary operation on a set S. Show that the set H={a E S such that a*x=x*a for all x E S} is closed under *. (We think of H as consisting of all elements of S that commute with every element in S.) Thanks!
Harley Weston lui répond.
An exclusion zone around a triangle 2008-09-07
Awrongo pose la question :
A long time ago Mr Gibson found an island shaped as a triangle with three straight shores of length 3 km,4 km and 5 km. He declared an 'exclusion zone' around his island and forbade anyone to come within 1 km of his shore. What was the area of his exclusion zone?
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
1/3(2x-1)=1 2008-09-07
Jen pose la question :
Penny Nom lui répond.
How far was the ship from the tower at 1:30 p.m? 2008-09-07
sam pose la question :
A passenger on a ship sailing north at 5.0 mph noticed that at noon a radio tower on land was due east of the ship. At 1:30 p.m., the bearing of the tower from the ship was S35degreesE. How far was the ship from the tower at 1:30 p.m.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A security camera 2008-09-07
Rita pose la question :
A security camera in a neighborhhod carnival is mounted on a wall 9 feet above the floor inside a video gallery. What angle of depression should be used if the camera is to be directed to a spot 6 feet above the floor and 12 feet from the wall?
Stephen La Rocque and Harley Weston lui répond.
Mixing watercolour paints 2008-09-07
bob pose la question :
So, I'm making a chart to help me mix watercolor paints. There are 25 different paints. Each paint will mix with another paint just 1 time. There is no need to mix red with blue, and then blue with red. Since the result is the same, we only need 1 combination of the 2 paints. And there is no need to mix red with red, so we can eliminate 25 combinations of the same paint.
Penny Nom lui répond.
What is the bearing to the ship from port? 2008-09-06
Rita pose la question :
A ship leaves the port of Miami with a bearing of S80degreesE and a speed of 15 knots. After 1 hour, the ship turns 90 degrees toward the south. After 2 hours, maintaining the same speed, what is the bearing to the ship from port?
Penny Nom lui répond.
2^x = 1,000,000 2008-09-06
Peter pose la question :
How do I solve for "x" in the following equation: "2 to the power of x = 1,000,000" ?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A tangent to a circle 2008-09-06
Jake pose la question :
Find an equation of the line that is tangent to the circle x^2 + y^2 = 3 at the point (1,√2)
Penny Nom lui répond.
An array of tulip bulbs 2008-09-06
Mary pose la question :
My daughter had this problem on one of her tests. She forgot to ask her teacher what she did wrong. I understand she did not answer the question in full, but what she did answer I feel is right.

Please explain to me the correct answer. Thank you. Mary

Harley Weston lui répond.
Parallel and perpendicular lines 2008-09-06
C pose la question :
Can you help me determine whether these lines are parallel, perpendicular or neither and why?

Problem 1: y=3x+2
y=1/3x - 4

Problem 2: y=1/3x + 1/2
y=1/3 x -2

Penny Nom lui répond.
Simplify ((5/7)/(5/14)) + (3/4) 2008-09-06
Emal pose la question :
How do you simplify completely: ((5/7)/(5/14)) + (3/4)?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Is this operation associative? 2008-09-06
Francesca pose la question :
Determine whether the binary operation * defined is commutative and whether * is associative * defined on Z by a*b = a-b\ I understand how to figure out if it's commutative, but I thought for a binary operation to be associative, it had to have at least three elements, so I don't know how to tell if this associative or not.
Penny Nom and Victoria West lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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