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A line through two points 2008-09-10
Conor pose la question :
Find the equation of the straight line which passes through the points (-2,14) and (8,-1)
Penny Nom lui répond.
An ice cream cone 2008-09-09
olivia pose la question :
Judy has a sugar cone and wants to know how many cubic inches of ice cream it will hold if it is filled completely to the top of the cone and no more. The cone has a height of 4.5 inches and a radius of 1.5 inches.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Balls and cubes in an urn 2008-09-09
Dave pose la question :
In an urn, there are 80 objects of two kinds: cubes (C) and balls (B). An object can be either red (R) or green (G). Note that all the four combinations are possible and that the number of cubes is not necessarily equal to the number of balls. Similarly, the number of red objects is not necessarily equal to the number of green objects. Someone tells us that in the urn there are 20 red cubes, 50 balls, and 30 red objects. An object is randomly selected from the urn.
(a). What is the probability that a green ball is selected?
(b). If we know that a cube has been selected, what is the probability that it's red?
(c). If we know that a red object has been selected, what is the probability that it's a cube?

Harley Weston lui répond.
Angle of elevation 2008-09-09
kristy pose la question :
A man on the tenth floor of a building shouts down to a person on the street. If the angle of elevation from the street to the man in the building is 35° and the man in the building is 40 feet up, about how far away from the building is the person on the street?
Penny Nom lui répond.
(5x - 4) / 6 = -9 2008-09-09
Conor pose la question :
Solve to find x:

(5x - 4) / 6 = -9

Penny Nom lui répond.
Repeating fractions 2008-09-09
Juli pose la question :
My teacher recently put my math class to the test... We were deiscussing repeating fractions and she asked us to find out what the bar over a repeating decimal is called. I found out it was called the vinculum. But she also said to find out what the number under the vinculum was called. I can't seem to find it anywhere.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The height of a tree 2008-09-09
danice pose la question :
At a certain time of day, the angle of elevation of the sun is 30°. A tree has a shadow that is 25 feet long. Find the height of the tree to the nearest foot.
Penny Nom lui répond.
How would put .12 with 2 repeating into a fraction? 2008-09-09
Savanna pose la question :
How would put .12 with 2 repeating in fraction?


Penny Nom lui répond.
How many ml are in 40 grams? 2008-09-09
Nancy pose la question :
I need to know how many ml are in 40 grams. So what is the base 1ml= how may grams
Harley Weston lui répond.
The perimeter of a right triangle 2008-09-09
Shanon pose la question :
I know that A=1/2bh, but for the life of me cannot figure out my 6th graders math problem.

What is the perimeter of a right triangle whose area = 600 sq. ft.

Victoria West lui répond.
bedmas 2008-09-08
Jack pose la question :
i was stuck on a question 3(6-2)+3^2
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Perpendicular 2008-09-08
amanda pose la question :
hi my name is amanda medjuck i am in grade 7. we are learning basic geometry terms and have to define words BUT I DONT KNOW WHAT A PERPENDICULAR LINE IS PLEASE HELP ME!!!
Penny Nom lui répond.
0.151515...=15/99 2008-09-08
Emma pose la question :
This week, my Algebra teacher told us about the pattern between infinitely repeating decimals and their corresponding fractions. (ex. .2222222...= 2/9, .151515...=15/99, 456456456...=456/999, etc.) I was just wondering the reason why this pattern occurs. Is there a certain element that causes this pattern to occur?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Collinear 2008-09-08
Patrick pose la question :
On page 17 of my son's 9th grade math book Geometry by Jurgensen, Brown, and Jurgensen (copyright 2004), the authors state from the diagram that you can conclude the points A, B, and C are collinear. In the diagram, the points A, B, and C appear to be situated on a straight line; however, nothing in the diagram states that it is a straight line. I told him that you can't conclude they are collinear because angle ABC could be 179.9 degrees instead of 180 degrees since nothing in the diagram states otherwise. His teacher marked his answer incorrect on a test but I still believe that I am correct. How do conclude points are collinear if nothing tells you that they are situated on a line?
Harley Weston lui répond.
The biggest right circular cone that can be inscribed in a sphere 2008-09-08
astrogirl pose la question :
find the volume of the biggest right circular cone that can be inscribed in a sphere of radius a=3
Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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