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Congruent figures 2008-12-28
peter pose la question :
are a 2 by 4 rectangle and a 1 by 8 triangle congruent?
Harley Weston lui répond.
100 yds of concrete 2008-12-28
Carol pose la question :
how much money is a 100 yds of concrete @ $80cy?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A cubic yard of concrete 2008-12-28
David pose la question :
assuming that one cubic yard of concrete is 4” thick and 3’ long, how many square feet does it cover?

the answer is 27 but im not sure how. i spent a lot of time and i still can't figure it out. thank you!

Penny Nom lui répond.
Permutations and combinations 2008-12-28
KHADIJA pose la question :
What's the difference between Permutation and Combination?
Penny Nom lui répond.
What is i^i? 2008-12-27
randomness pose la question :
i have learnt that 'i' is square root of -1. What is then i^i ? It baffles my maths teacher...
Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond.
La longueur de la corde 2008-12-24
Lucile pose la question :
Voici l'énoncé :

On appelle (C) un cercle de centre O et de rayon 6cm. A et B sont deux points du cercle (C) tels que AOB = 50°

Calculer la longueur de la corde [AB] (arrondi au millimètre). On justifiera soigneusement toutes les étapes.

Cela fait déja 1 semaine que je trouve pas la réponse a cet énoncé .

Pouvez vous m'aider ? Merci d'avance .

Pierre-Louis Gagnon lui répond.
Two rectangular plots have the same area 2008-12-23
Jason pose la question :
Two rectangular plots have the same area. The first has a perimeter of 40m while the second has a length 2m less than the first and a width 1m greater. Find the length and breadth of the first rectangle
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The area of a triangle 2008-12-23
ashiya pose la question :

I have attached figure of the triangle, Can you please help to find the area of Triangle ABC.



Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
24 golfers playing golf for 9 rounds 2008-12-23
Duane pose la question :
Got 24 golfers playing golf for 9 rounds. Any formula where everyone can play with everyone else at least once. We are playing 4somes only. Thanks, Duane
Victoria West lui répond.
The base of a triangular pyramid 2008-12-20
joe pose la question :
triangular pyramid
base height=
base width=8ft

Please explain base height & how to solve.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Pouring angles for a crucible 2008-12-20
Richard pose la question :
I am trying to work at pouring angles and volume left in during pouring a crucible, The crucible is cylindrical and flat bottomed.

I know the diameter, radius and volume of the crucibles. and the volume of liquid going into it.

So lets say the crucible is only half full firstly I need to work out the angle just before its going to pour. ( I can work this out as long as there is a certain volume of liquid if its not enough I cant do it)

Now the problem I also need to work out how much I should tilt the crucible to allow a certain amount out and be able to do this untill the volume reaches 0 at 90' turn. This is where I am stuck.

The reason for needing to be able to work this out is so i can develop a constant flow for example 10Kg of metal per second. Thank you very much for you time

Harley Weston lui répond.
A spill of oil on a flat surface 2008-12-19
Phillip pose la question :
Hello, my question is: If I spilled 25 gallons of diesel fuel on a flat surface how much area would the spill cover? How would I mathematically figure it out? Thanks!
Robert Dawson and Harley Weston lui répond.
A standard bill on a highway 2008-12-19
Stephanie pose la question :
A standard bill on a highway has a perimeter of 14 feet. the length of the bill board is 6 feet greater than triple the width. What is the length? what is the width?
Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond.
Three circular rings 2008-12-18
seema pose la question :
three circular rings of equal radii of 1cm each are touching each other. a string runs all around the set of rings very tightly. what is the minimum length of string required to bind all the three rings ?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Three circles inscribed in a circle 2008-12-18
seema pose la question :
three equal circles each of radius 1 cm are circumscribed by a larger circle.find the perimeter of circumscribing circle?
Robert Dawson lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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