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Converting grams to milliliters 2009-01-04
Faiza pose la question :
I was looking for how to convert grams into mL and I read on this site to convert one to the other you need to know what substance you are measuring. so if I am measuring sugar or any of the baking ingredient like flour how do I convert them from grams to mL is there a simple method I can use to do that?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The sum of the roots of a quartic 2009-01-03
peter pose la question :
How do you find the roots of an equation without graphing? like, i have a problem that says what is the sum of the roots of x^4-x^3+5x^2+4=0.
Harley Weston lui répond.
What is f^-1(3) when f(x)=2x-1? 2009-01-03
Peter pose la question :
how do you do functions like f^-1(3) when f(x)=2x-1?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Jon's bank account 2009-01-03
Abigail pose la question :
Hi, i have an exam soon (monday =[ ) in my revison book, it shows two peoples bank accounts- and then it says

"write a formula to show the balence of Jon's bank account after n weeks of 2003" this is the table show

Jon's Bank account

Weeks Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5
Balance(£) 970 1035 1100 1165 1230

Penny Nom lui répond.
The area of a region in the plane 2009-01-03
Rogerson pose la question :
Find the area, S, of the shaded region enclosed by the given cureve, the given line and the x-axis.

y = -x^2 + 1
line x = 2

Harley Weston lui répond.
An input output model for third graders 2009-01-02
Julie pose la question :
Need any information on creating an input output model for third graders. Where do I begin?
Robert Dawson and Harley Weston lui répond.
System of equations - comparison method 2009-01-02
nick pose la question :
Hi, I am doing a project on system of equations by using comparison method, but for some reason or another, i can't seem to find any information on the comparison method at all. So, please would you help me by giving me a website that you know of that has some information on my method. And, if you know the answer, can you please tell me why or when do we use system of equations by using comparison method? Thank You
Robert Dawson lui répond.
The integral of f(x)dx and the integral of f(x-4)dx 2009-01-02
Katie pose la question :
Calculus: If the definite integral from -2 to 6 of f(x)dx=10 and the definite integral from 2 to 6 of f(x)dx=3, then the definite integral from 2 to 6 of f(x-4)dx= ?

I don't understand how to solve definite integrals when the function has something more than just x inside the parenthesis such as f(4-x).

Robert Dawson lui répond.
Compound interest 2009-01-02
maninder pose la question :
at what rate % compound interest per annum will be rs. 640 amount to rs. 774.40 in 2 years.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The radius of a cone 2009-01-02
kalpaj pose la question :
A conical funnel holds 100ml. If the height of the funnel is 10 cm, determine its radius, to the nearest tenth of a centimeter.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Solving an inequality 2009-01-02
jarred pose la question :
Penny Nom lui répond.
A chord 2009-01-01
Deepa pose la question :
Why in a circle,a chord is called as the longest diameter? (A chord does not passes through the centre of the circle but a diameter passes through the centre)
Penny Nom lui répond.
Eric bought 3 sweaters and 1 pair of pants 2009-01-01
maya pose la question :
eric bought 3 sweaters and 1 pair of pants. Each sweater cost d dollars and the pants cost 20 dollars. Eric spent a total of 95 dollars. The equation below can be used to determine the cost of each sweater. what is the answer?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The volume of a pipe elbow 2008-12-31
mhd pose la question :
how i can find volume of the pipe elbow of 4inches?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The square root of 164 2008-12-31
Melissa pose la question :
How do you simplify the square root of 164?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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