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A 14 team league that is divided into 2 divisions 2009-03-07
Ronnie pose la question :
I have a 14 team league that is divided into 2 divisions. We have a total of 18 weeks to play. I would like for each team to play the team in their division twice. The remaining 6 weeks would be played with the other division. Any help would be appreciated.
Chris Fisher and Victoria West lui répond.
The ratio test 2009-03-06
Haley pose la question :
Use the ratio test to determine whether the series in convergent or divergent. (2/5)+(4/10)+(8/15)+...
Harley Weston lui répond.
An inequality with logs 2009-03-06
Indrajit pose la question :
(x/10)^(logx - 2)<100..........how to solve this one??
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
sin x + cos x = x 2009-03-06
Ashley pose la question :
For what values of x is the following true:

sin x + cos x = x

Robert Dawson lui répond.
Infinite sets and infinite limits 2009-03-06
Justin pose la question :
Hello, I know I have asked a similar question before but I was just wondering if set theory applies to the lim x->0, y=1/x=infinity and if so, what type of infinity would it be? Thanks a lot for your help with this question!



Robert Dawson and Harley Weston lui répond.
Dependent & Independent Events 2009-03-06
maci pose la question :
what is the probablility of drawing at random 2 blue marbles in a row if there is 3 red,4 green,2 yellow,and 5 blue marbles?
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
Algebre 2009-03-04
Jonnathan pose la question :
Pour entrer sur le site d'une exposition, il en coute 41$ pour 2 enfants et 2 adultes mais 37.50$ pour 3 enfants et un adulte. Quel est le prix de la rentree pour l'enfant et quel est le prix de la rentree pour l'adulte? il faut utiliser la methode de comparaison ou de substitution
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Working together 2009-03-04
bob pose la question :
T=(AB)/(A+B) using this formula t= time a,b repersenting each indivual person i mow my lawn and it takes me 30 minutes my friend joe it takes 3 times as long,how long would it takes us together using this formula
Harley Weston lui répond.
The amount of material remaining on a reel 2009-03-04
James pose la question :
Question from james:

I am after a standard calculation so that after each usage of the Reel I can get the Remaining Quantity in kilos left on the roll

below is an example of roll


The core centre has a 9cm diameter, the weight of the roll is excluding the core , and after each use the diameter of the role is measured.

I am a factory supervisor working on project and need this calculation info for template.. Thanks James

Harley Weston lui répond.
Direct, inverse and indirect proportionality 2009-03-04
Brian pose la question :
My 14 year old is confused about indirectly proportional and inversely proportional. On searching on the internet we were directed to: http://mathcentral.uregina.ca/QQ/database/QQ.09.00/ellis1.html Here leanne starts explaining indirectly proportional and ends up describing inversely proportional. Has Leanne got it wrong ?
What is indirectly proportional.


Chris Fisher lui répond.
4 digit strings starting with 7 2009-03-03
Angel pose la question :
I need to no all the 4 digit combinations starting with 7 and with no repititions.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Convergent or divergent? 2009-03-03
Betsy pose la question :
Use the ratio test to determine if the series is convergent or divergent. 1+1/2^2+1/3^3+1/4^4

I know the general terms are a(n)=1/n^n and a(n+1)=1/(n+1)^(n+1) but I can't simplify r=lim(n->inf.)=n^n/(n+1)^(n+1)

Robert Dawson lui répond.
A shape with 10 sides 2009-03-03
Sandra pose la question :
One of my son's math questions is as follows: Suppose I have a shape with 10 sides. I choose a vertex then draw lines to the other vertices that dont share sides with the first vertex. How many vertices will that be and why?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The angles in a parallelogram 2009-03-03
dolly pose la question :
having a time-with equations inequaltites and problem solving= the sum of the measure of the angles of a parallelogram is 360.anglesa a and d , have the same measure as angle c and d,c is twice the measure of angle a, what is the angle for each.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A taxi charges .20 every 1/9th of a mile 2009-03-03
ronald pose la question :
i need to know if a taxi charges .20 every 1/9th of a mile and i have to go 6.55miles how much would that be?
Robert Dawson lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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