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The weight of water in a swimming pool 2009-03-10
ely pose la question :
How much does the water in a swimming pool 20 ft long, 10 ft wide, and 6 ft deep weigh?
Penny Nom lui répond.
66 2/3% 2009-03-10
Traci pose la question :
Please convert 66 2/3% into a decimal and a fraction
Penny Nom lui répond.
A polyhedron 2009-03-10
Mollie pose la question :
Hi, my name is Mollie and I'm in 5th grade. Here's the math problem I have for homework tonight:

"Larissa made a model of a polyhedron using 8 pieces of clay for the vertices and 18 straws for the edges. What type of polyhedron did Larissa make?" Thanks.

Penny Nom lui répond.
A right angle 2009-03-09
bill pose la question :
I am a cotractor & i am laying out some piers in an L shape i need to know how to tell if they are square one side of my L is 18 feet the other is 11 feet 6 inches what is the formula to find out what the distance from point to point should be for square . I appreciate any help u can give me thank you
Penny Nom lui répond.
The slope of a line 2009-03-09
Shannon pose la question :
Find x such that a straight line passing through (2,x) and (x+1, 3) has slope 2x+1/x-1 Please help! Missed this class, so I have no notes and the book doesn't have an example like this. Thank you!
Penny Nom lui répond.
Related rates 2009-03-09
Megan pose la question :
A plane flying with a constant speed of 330 km/h passes over a ground radar station at an altitude of 3 km and climbs at an angle of 30°. At what rate is the distance from the plane to the radar station increasing a minute later?
Harley Weston lui répond.
2 types of season passes 2009-03-09
Jaquanta pose la question :
A local water park has 2 types of season passes. Plan A costs a one - time fee of $142 for admission plus $8 for parking every trip. Plan B costs a one - time fee of $56 for parking plus $25 for admission every trip. How many visits must a person make for plan A and plan B to be equal in value?
Penny Nom lui répond.
What percent commission does Aaron earn? 2009-03-09
Jerry pose la question :
Aaron works part time as a salesperson for an electronics store. He earns $4.75 per hour plus a percent commission on all of his sales. Last week Aaron worked 20 hours and earned a gross income of $143.75. If his total sales for the week were $1,500, what percent commission does Aaron earn?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Trifecta 2009-03-09
Annie pose la question :
I want to know how many combinations are there for the first 3 horses in a race of 20 horses. For example, the horses can come in 1, 5, 7 or 7, 5, 1 which are totally different combos. I've only found formulas where the 1, 2, 3 and 3, 2, 1 are counted as the same combo. In horse racing every combo is different. Thank you.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Substitution in a quadratic 2009-03-09
Kieran pose la question :
How could I work this out please

f(x)= 3xsquared - 4x + 2

if f(2x)

Penny Nom lui répond.
The height of a right triangle 2009-03-08
Anah pose la question :
Could you please tell me the formula for me to calculate the height of a triangle. I have the angles and side lengths. I am trying to calculate the height of an right triangle, the dimensions are as follows:

The Base/Hypotenuse is: 8x

Side A is 2x. Side B is 2x.

Harley Weston lui répond.
A property that decreases in value every year by 10 percent 2009-03-07
PEter pose la question :
there is a competition problem where a cottage is worth 25000 years, but it decreases in value every year by 10 percent. Without a calculator, is there a way to find after how many years, the cottage will be worth 2500? (besides multiplying it out and besides logs)
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Cubic feet 2009-03-07
A student pose la question :
What is cubic feet and how do I use it in this question? (picture below)
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A walkway through a park 2009-03-07
felicia pose la question :
a diagonal walkway through a park is 18 meters long. If the park is a square, how long is one of its sides to the nearest tenth of a meter?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The sides of a triangle 2009-03-07
felicia pose la question :
ona map, tannersville, chadwick, and barkersvile for a triangle. Chadwick is 70 miles from Tannersville and Barkersville is 90 miles from Tannersville. Which is a possible distance between Chadwick and Barkersville?
a. 5miles
b. 10 miles
c. 150miles
d. 200 miles

Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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