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A rectangular pen 2009-08-13
Kari pose la question :
A rectangular pen is to be built using a total of 800 ft of fencing. Part of this fencing will be used to build a fence across the middle of the rectangle (the rectangle is 2 squares fused together so if you can please picture it). Find the length and width that will give a rectangle with maximum total area.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Fitting the curve y=a*exp(b*x)+c 2009-08-12
aika pose la question :
Could one show me the complete algorithm and formula for finding the coefficients (a,b, and c) in exponential regression model y=a*exp(b*x)+c
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Solve for s 2009-08-12
Michelle pose la question :
My daughter and I are having trouble with this problem...All it says i solve thr formula for the indicated variable.
Height of an Equilateral Triangle.

Solve for s:

H= square root of 3/2 * S

Penny Nom lui répond.
The volume of a telephone pole 2009-08-11
robert pose la question :
12.5"@ base x 7" @ top and 40' height. How would I find the volume in cubic feet for a telephone pole with these dimensions?
Harley Weston lui répond.
The volume of a tapered pole 2009-08-09
robert pose la question :
what is the formula to use to come up with cubic feet in a tapered pole
Harley Weston lui répond.
Gravel in an aquarium 2009-08-09
Bev pose la question :
Hi...I worked this part out, but want to know how many kilograms of gravel I will need...thanks Bev

Cylinder shape.

A cylindrical shape that has a radius of 82 centimeters and a depth of 7 centimeters has a volume of: Volume

= 0.14787 cubic meters
= 147870 cubic centimeters
= 0.1934 cubic yards
= 5.2219 cubic feet
= 9023.5 cubic inches
= 39.063 U.S. gallons
= 147.87 liters
* calculations accurate to 5 decimal places of precision

Harley Weston lui répond.
The leaning tower of Pisa 2009-08-09
MF pose la question :
Would you have any idea how the 'latitude of 44 degrees N" has anything to do with this question and how I would apply it?

The leaning tower of Pisa leans toward the south at an angle of 5.5 degrees. One day near noon its shadow was measured to be 84.02 m long and the angle of elevation from the tip of the shadow to the top of the tower was measured as 32.0 degrees. To answer the question, assume that the tower is like a pole stuck in the ground, it has negligible width. Also, it is important to know that Pisa Italy is at a latitude of approx 44 degrees North because this affects the direction of the shadow.)

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Two cars 2009-08-09
Jayna pose la question :
If a car was traveling 20mph east and another car was traveling 30mph west, assuming they were 300 miles apart, at what point would they collide at the center?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Subtraction base 5 2009-08-09
Nikki pose la question :
can you help me how to do subtraction in base 5 notation. example is 3434 - 51? how do you do this in base 5?
can you please explain how you do this & the answer as i have no idea.

Thank you kindly

Harley Weston lui répond.
An isosceles triangle 2009-08-09
Megan pose la question :
Find the perimeter of an isosceles triangle with a verticle angle of 100 degrees and a base of 25 cm.

I think I could answer this if I knew what a verticle angle was.

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Trigonometrie 2009-08-07
Michaël pose la question :
Je cherche a vérifié cette relation de trigo, Tan^2x = Sin^2x +Sin^2x*Tan^2x.

après de nombreux essais, j'arrive à ce résultat: Tan^2= 1-cos^2x + 1-cos^2x*(sin^2x/cos^2x) Merci de votre aide

Claude Tardif lui répond.
Eye Height Level Found from Visual Angle 2009-08-07
Jolie pose la question :
Hello, I am trying to figure out what height from the ground a person's eyes are if they have a 12 degree visual angle to a screen that is 58cm away from their eyes? Thank you.
Janice Cotcher lui répond.
An infinite set 2009-08-07
Islam pose la question :
How can I prove that the set of all odd natural numbers is an infinite set. Thank you.
Robert Dawson lui répond.
The length of tape on a reel 2009-08-06
Philiip pose la question :
What diameter reel would be required to roll up 1000 meters of tape that is 0.01 mm thick such that the final role left 10 mm empty space between the top of the roll and the outside of the reel, the hup that the tape was wound on was 2 cm?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Number of Concrete Blocks 2009-08-06
Simone pose la question :
Hi there, I have a quote to complete and I need to figure out the formula that will tell me how many concrete blocks I need to cover a certain area. Blocks can either be 8in or 12in. The area that I am looking to cover with blocks is 30182 sq ft. Thank you for your assistance.
Janice Cotcher and Stephen La Rocque lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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