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Comparing Fractions 2009-08-20
smilegrlal pose la question :
please order these number in least to greatest 7/8, 5/9, 2/3
Leeanne Boehm lui répond.
A 5 foot strip around a building 2009-08-20
Robert pose la question :
I am having a problem at work that I am hoping someone can help me figure out. I have a pest control company and we are pretreating the soil for a new hospital being built. The company that we are working has asked to also treat a 5 foot strip around the entire building and for us to get paid we need to figure out what the square footage of this 5 foot strip around the building that we are treating. The structure being built is a hospital and as you can imagine the building has all kinds of nooks and offsets and even some of the wall are cruved more like a circle. I already know the square footage of the building itself because they gave us this information. The square footage of the building is 120,000 SqFt. I would greatly appreciate if someone can help me figure out the square footage of a 5 foot strip around a 120,000 SqFt building who's walls have a lot of insets and odd shapes. I don't if someone can figure out the square footage of the 5 foot strip with the information I gave. I would greatly appreciate any help that you can give me. I need this information for work because we charge for pretreatment of soil by the square footage of the area to be treated and I need this information so that I don't over charge the company we are working for or so I don't cheat myself either. Any and all help we be greatly appreciated because I don't know who else that can help me.
Victoria West lui répond.
Fourth and fifth degree polynomials 2009-08-20
Evin pose la question :
hello.i am a student . ax^4+bx^3+cx^2+dx+e=0 x=? i want to learn the solution or formula of equations of the fourth and fifth degree...PLEASE
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Ms. Zoe's garden 2009-08-20
Carisa pose la question :
Ms. Zoe has a few dilemmas. She plants a garden each yr. & last yr. the rabbits ate her tomato plants. She has limited space which is 8ft by 4ft. & wishes to maximize the space. Ms. Zoe is considering 3 possible shapes. Those shapes are a rectangle, a triangle, or a polygon. She needs to buy fencing materia to enclose the garden & wants to get the biggest bang for her money. Each tomatoe plant req. 4 sq.ft to so she needs to know the # of plants to purchase & also needs to how much fence to buy. Basically I needs to know how to figure the perimeter & area for the polygon
Robert Dawson and Harley Weston lui répond.
Making a cone 2009-08-19
angela pose la question :
how can i make a cone with a 6cm of heigth and has 2cm radius in the opening??
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A paper towel roll 2009-08-19
Jeff pose la question :
I am making a spiral tube with paper that is 2" in dia. and 102" long I will be using paper that is slit 3" wide how many lineal feet of paper will I need to to cover the 102" I will be using 3 rolls of paper that will over lap the other by half to make a hard tube (paper core) in a roll of paper towels Thanks Jeff
Penny Nom lui répond.
Golf for 15 2009-08-18
Judy pose la question :
We have a group of 15 golfers that play a scramble with groups of 3. The problem is we play for 14 weeks. We want every player to play at least once with everyone and no more that 3 times. I am working on this and have just about accomplished the schedule, but with a few playing more than 3 times. I'm sure there must be some mathematical calculation to do this but I have yet to figure it out.
Victoria West lui répond.
Find the central angle 2009-08-18
Larissa pose la question :
In a circle, the length of a chord AB is 4 cm and the length of the arc AB is 5 cm. Find the central angle theta, in radians, correct to four decimal places. Then give the answer to the nearest degree. I think I'm supposed to use Newton's method, but am not sure how to start with this problem.
Harley Weston lui répond.
The layout of an arch 2009-08-18
Steven pose la question :
I am trying to layout a large radius between 2 points in a building and need a formula to figure different senarios for example: radius is 187'6" distance between 2 points is 34'8" need points 16" apart along the line between the 2 points to create the radius please help
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Sequence problem 2009-08-18
James pose la question :
I have the equation: tn = (n)(n+1)/2 Which gives the sequence: 1, 3, 6, 10, 15 etc. However, I'd like to be able to solve for n. So that a t of 6 would give me the answer of 3, and t of 10 would give me the answer 4 etc.
Stephen La Rocque and Victoria West lui répond.
Big and small widgets 2009-08-17
Leanne pose la question :
A machine makes big widgets. Another machine makes small widgets. 3 small widgets have the same mass as 2 big widgets. It takes the same amount of time to make 3 big widgets as it does to make 5 small widgets. The machines start at the same time and make widgets until the total mass of all the widgets made is equal to the mass of 380 small widgets. What is the total number of widgets made? (Please include workings).
Penny Nom lui répond.
The median is greater than the mean 2009-08-14
Shawna pose la question :
If the median is greater than the mean on a set of test scores, describe the situation.
Robert Dawson lui répond.
How do i convert 6 feet into yards? 2009-08-14
taylor pose la question :
how do i convert 6 feet into yards?????????????????
Robert Dawson lui répond.
A football schedule 2009-08-14
Bill pose la question :
I am having trouble with a football schedule that has two divisions of five teams each, 1-5 and 6-10. 1-5 will play against each other in the first 4 weeks and also the the last 4 weeks with teams 6-10 completing the middle of the schedule. The schedule is 13 weeks. Thank you for your time
Chris Fisher and Victoria West lui répond.
An antiderivative problem 2009-08-13
Indrajit pose la question :
∫4e^x + 6e^-x/(9e^x + 4e^-x)dx = Ax + Bloge(9e2x - 4) + C

then A=?......B=?.....C=?

plz solve it...."^" stands for "to the power of"....

Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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