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y = sin(x) + 3 2009-11-10
Kapilan pose la question :
When graphing trigonometric functions like SIN and COSINE does f(x)=x squared equal to SIN or COSINE

Also what is the range, domain, period and ampliltude for y=sin@ + 3

Harley Weston lui répond.
f(x)= (e^x) / [(e^x)+(ex^2)] 2009-11-10
natalie pose la question :
I'm trying to graph the function, f(x)= (e^x) / (e^x)+(ex^2) [e to the x divided by e to the x plus e times x squared] I know that there aren't any vertical asymptotes, but is there a horizontal asymptote? and also, I'm stuck on finding the concavity for this graph. I tried to find f "(x), but it came out to be really long and I am not sure how to find the x values for f "(x) without using a graphic calculator. thanks, natalie
Chris Fisher and Harley Weston lui répond.
A rate of 67 per 1000 2009-11-10
ANTHNONY pose la question :
if the rate is 67 per 1000 the fraction is 67/1000 how do I present the expanded form
Penny Nom lui répond.
A drawing of a baseball diamond 2009-11-09
Beth pose la question :
My husband has a drawn diagram on a piece of paper of a baseball diamond. He knows that on the paper 1 1/16" (1.6875") = 90 actual feet. How do we calculate how many feet 5 7/8" on the paper would be?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Consecutive odd integers 2009-11-09
Erin pose la question :
I'm having trouble with consecutive integers. i know it goes n + n + 1 + n + 2 and so on, but if its odd then do the numbers change to odd ones? i don't know the question is: the sum of four consecutive odd integers is -72. write an equation to model this situation and find the values of the four integers
Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond.
A problem in a hexagon 2009-11-07
WIlliam pose la question :
I have a regular hexagon and all sides are 8 cm. I need to find the line segment point a to point b. Point B is on the top left of the hexagon and the Point A is on the middle right side, I know the line pass through 2 Equilateral triangles, I'm just not sure how to do the equation. Also how would you measure a line that goes right in the middle from one end to the other
Harley Weston lui répond.
The cardinality of the prime numbers 2009-11-07
Justin pose la question :
Hello there, I was just wondering since the number of primes is infinite, are they equal to infinity or Aleph-null? Justin
Robert Dawson and Victoria West lui répond.
sinA + cosA = 1 2009-11-06
Nazrul pose la question :
What is the solution of sinA+cosA=1 where A is an acute angle? Will A=0 degree be included in the solution? Please explain.
Harley Weston lui répond.
Find the original price 2009-11-06
Cyndy pose la question :
Find the original price of a pair of shoes if the sale price is $98.00 after a 30% discount.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Tetrahedral numbers 2009-11-06
rena pose la question :
consider the tetrahedral numbers 1,4,10,20, etc. Can these numbers be described as a polynomial? If so, what is the degree of that polynomial?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A minute hand 2009-11-05
Pardha pose la question :
A minute hand of table clock is 3cms long. How far its tip move in 20 minutes
Penny Nom lui répond.
Jill and Bill 2009-11-04
Lisa pose la question :
Jill and Bill are two members of the Hill family. Jill is 8 years old and Bill is 9 years old. What will Bill's age be when the total of the digits in both their ages is once again 17?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Commodity price increase 2009-11-04
bharat pose la question :
if price of a commodity increases by x% the to keep the expenditure same the decrease in consumption should be (x/(x+100))*100, why?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Une piscine 2009-11-04
kemayou pose la question :
Dans un de ces problèmes,ma fille se trouve face à cette question,et je ne parviens pas à l'aider,pourriez-vous nous donner un petit coup de pouce? Voici l'énoncé:Un jardin a 22m de long et 8m de large.Au centre du jardin,on a fait construire une piscine dont le périmètre est de 44m.La surface restante est couverte de gazon. La question est :exprimer en fonction de x la longueur de cette piscine. Dans l'attente de votre réponse,recevez nos salutations distinguées. Merci.Mme kemayou
Claude Tardif lui répond.
3x^3-3x-3 and 3x+6 2009-11-04
spencer pose la question :
My question is 3x^3-3x-3 devided by 3x+6
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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