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A rectangular garden 2010-04-25
Billy pose la question :
Tanisha wants to make a rectangular garden with a perimeter of 38 feet. What is the greatest area possible that tanisha can make the garden?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The height of a flag shaft 2010-04-25
Sarah pose la question :
A man standing 20metres away from a tower observes the angles of elevation to the top and bottom of a flag shaft standing on the tower as 62degrees and 60degrees respectively. Calculate the height of the flag shaft.'
Penny Nom lui répond.
Commission 2010-04-24
TAHIR pose la question :
I want to pre-determine the amount of commission on sale of my product which will be the amount that I shall have to pay .
For example, the price is $ 600and commission 5% .
1) I calculate commission on 600 @ 5% = $ 30
When added $ 600 the retail price = $ 630
2) But on $ 630, 5% commission = $ 31.50
So we make a loss of $ 1.50 .
3) Again if we add this $ 1.50 to $ 630 the price = 631.50
But the commission when calculated does not tally
and we make a loss of $ 0.075.
Please let me know how to determine the commission beforehand so that it matches our accounts.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Bags of cement 2010-04-24
Carol pose la question :
How many bags of portland cement will I need for an area that is 18' x 31' with a thickness of 4". The bags weigh 94 lbs if that is necessary. Thank you for any help.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Algebraic fractions 2010-04-22
rory pose la question :
Robert Dawson and Harley Weston lui répond.
A table of values 2010-04-22
Donna pose la question :
Complete the table by determining the value of each letter. Explain what rule is used to relate the numbers in the second column (with the heading of y) with those in the first column (with the heading of x).

x | y
3 | 5
9 | 23
4 | 8
6 | A
7 | B
C | 11
D | 2

I can't figure this out, can you help me?

Robert Dawson lui répond.
4 + 10 + · · · + (6n − 2) 2010-04-21
Lan pose la question :
Find the sum 4 + 10 + · · · + (6n − 2). The answer is 3(n^2) + n. How?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Solving a trig equation 2010-04-21
Jason pose la question :
Please Help! My question is :

Find all of the solutions to sin(x/2)+cosx-1=0

Penny Nom lui répond.
Profit 2010-04-21
joyann pose la question :
a Raleigh road runner 16" unisex bike which cost $892 was sold for $1052.56 calculate
A. the profit made on the bike
B. the percentage profit

Penny Nom lui répond.
Compound interest 2010-04-21
Kenneth pose la question :
Let's say that an investor has $1000.00 to invest for 3 years at a rate of 5% at compound interest. Here is the formula:

M = 1000(1 + 0.05)^3 = $1157.62

If I want to change 1000(1 + 0.05) to (1000 + 0.05*1000) three times in a calculation instead of using (1 +0.05)^3, how would this be done?

I cannot get (1000 + 0.05*1000) + (1000 + 0.05*1000) + (1000 + 0.05*1000) to equal $1157.62.

I know that 1000(1.05)(1.05(1.05) will produce the answer, but I want to try to use the above non-factored calculation.

Penny Nom lui répond.
If (x, 4) is equidistant from (5, -2) and (3, 4), find x. 2010-04-21
abeth pose la question :
If (x, 4) is equidistant from (5, -2) and (3, 4), find x.
Find the point on the y - axis that is equidistant from (-4, -2) and (3, 1).

Penny Nom lui répond.
A 12 foot by 12 foot room 2010-04-20
Dominique pose la question :
The room is 12ft by 12ft. How many yards must be purchased for the carpet?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The length and width of a table 2010-04-19
Linda pose la question :
The length of the top of a table is 2 feet longer than 4 times the width. The area is 72m squared. Find the dimensions of the table.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Mathilde aime la musique et les mathématique. 2010-04-19
Lucas pose la question :
j'ai un problème pouvait vous m'aider a le résoudre:Mathilde aime la musique et les mathématique.Quand on lui demande combien de CD elle a elle répond "Je ne les ai pas comptés.quand je les groupe 5 par 5 ,il ne m'en reste pas.quand je les groupe 2 par2,il m'en reste 1.quand je les range 6 par 6,il m'en reste 5.je suis surque j'en moins que cinquante." Peux-tu trouver le nombre de CD de Mathilde? aider moi svp ps:je suis en 6ème donc faut pas que se soit trop compliqué
Claude Tardif lui répond.
The median 2010-04-18
amper pose la question :
How could i get the median with this equation f(x)=(x^2+4)3/13 0
Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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