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An octagon shaped bench 2010-07-09
rob pose la question :
i am trying to build a octagon shaped bench to fit inside a 69 inch round hot tub so that the tip of each point touches the edge of the circle where it will be fastened.
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Thickness of sand 2010-07-07
RHONDA pose la question :
In an 18 x 33 ft area how much is 4 yards of sand in inches to cover this area.
Penny Nom lui répond.
777777 times 111111 2010-07-07
Chew pose la question :
What is 777777 times 111111 without using a calculator?
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Maximize the floor area 2010-07-07
shirlyn pose la question :
A rectangular building will be constructed on a lot in the form of a right triangle with legs of 60 ft. and 80 ft. If the building has one side along the hypotenuse, find its dimensions for maximum floor area.
Penny Nom lui répond.
12 coins 2010-07-07
Eden pose la question :
We have 12 coins same in size and shape and also weight. But among these, one coin which has same size and shape, but not in weight and we can't know that this coin was lighter or heavier. We must decide which coin was lighter or heavier among these 12 coins in 4 times of weighting with scale.
Stephen La Rocque and Tyler Wood lui répond.
une suite 2010-07-01
djodilune pose la question :
Salut tout le monde ! J'ai un probleme de math dans un concours de Medecine , Le voilà :

n £ N* on a : S = 1/[n(n+1)] + 1/[(n+1)(n+2)] + ... + 1/([2n(2n+1)] .

reponse a : S= 1 - 1/n
Reponse b : S= 1 - 1/(2n)
Reponse C : S= 1 - 1/(n+1)
Reponse D : S= (1/n) - (1/2n )
Reponse E : S= (1/n) - [1/(2n-1)].
Si vous pouvez me donner le reponse avec justification pour comprendre bien. Merci d'avance

Claude Tardif lui répond.
A collection of baseball cards 2010-07-01
Martha pose la question :
Cody has a collection of baseball cards. Is it possible for him to place the cards into 5 boxes so that exactly 3 of the boxes contain an odd number of cards and the total number of cards in two of the boxes is the same as the total number in the other 3 boxes? Explain.
Robert Dawson, Penny Nom and Claude Tardif lui répond.
Fillig the pool 2010-06-29
saurabh pose la question :
At certain swimming pool certain pipes can fill it in 2 hours, another can fill it in 5 hours,and third pipe can empty the pool in 6 hours. with all three pipes turned on at the same time and starting with an empty pool , how long will it take to fill the pool
Robert Dawson lui répond.
The equation of a parabola 2010-06-29
Tiffany pose la question :
Find the equation of a parabola that passes through the points (-2,3), (-1,1) and (1,9)
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
A play tent 2010-06-28
Susan pose la question :
Hi!!! I am making a play tent as seen at the link below and need to figure out how to get the dimensions for the cone shape. The one shown has 4 different seams, but I guess I can get away with just one seam to sew it together (?) I need it to go over a hula hoop as that is what I am using for the round support at the top. My hula hoop is 35" in diameter from outside edge to outside edge. I would like the height of the teepee to be around 30" from the center to the peak. Thanks so much, oh my gosh, I have been fretting for 2 days about this and my hair is about to fall out!!!! Please contact me if you need any additional info.


Penny Nom lui répond.
1 cubic yard of top soil 2010-06-28
Bob pose la question :
If you were to place 1 cubic yard of top soil onto a 15' X 24' Garden area and it was spread evenly would the amount be a dusting of 1" or about 1'?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The product of 2 consecutive integers 2010-06-28
Sharon pose la question :
the product of 2 consecutive integers is -6 less than the square of the larger number. find the smaller number
Penny Nom lui répond.
An algebraic fraction 2010-06-28
luis pose la question :
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The intersection of two graphs 2010-06-27
Austin pose la question :
In depth explanation of how to find the intersection points of functions y=-4t+300 and y=-4.9(t-5)^2+300
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Thermal expansion of a steel beam 2010-06-25
chris pose la question :
If a 50 ft steel beam can expand up to 4inches when heated to 1000f How much will a 162 ft and six inches steel beam expand under the same conditions?
Robert Dawson lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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