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The height of a building 2019-04-05
Hayley pose la question :
A young man is 36 meters away from a building and looking at a bird sitting on top of the building. The man knows he is 85 meters away from the bird. How tall is the building?
Penny Nom lui répond.
4^x=2^x+6 2019-04-05
Olivia pose la question :
How do you find the (b,n) if the solution of the equation 4^x=2^x+6 can be expressed at logb(n) where b and n are both prime numbers?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Salary Plus Commission 2019-04-05
Herschel pose la question :
Fire Fighting Equipment pays salespeople as follows: $452 per week plus a commission of .9% on sales between $15,000 and $25000, with 1.1% paid on sales in excess of $25,000. Find the gross earnings for an salesperson whose Total Sales are $28,400. (No commission is paid on the first $15,000 of sales)
Penny Nom lui répond.
Percentage change in refractive error 2019-04-04
Ammara pose la question :
Hi, I'm trying to figure out how a paper I'm looking at has found a percentage from the numbers below. its a paper comparing two lenses. it says that the new lenses 'slowed the progression of refractive error by approximately 50%'.

the refractive error with the old lenses was -2.26 after two years it was -3.28

the refractive error with the new lenses was -2.24 after two years the refractive error is - 2.75
Thank you so much for your help it is most appreciated!

Penny Nom lui répond.
Internal acute angles 2019-04-02
karan pose la question :
Prove that a convex polygon cannot have more than three acute internal angles.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The volume of a pile of dirt 2019-04-01
Genevieve pose la question :
We have a pile of dirt approximately 6 feet high by 15 feet wide by 80 feet long.
We need to know how many cubic yards of dirt are in this pile. Thank you

Harley Weston lui répond.
Percentages 2019-03-30
Mari pose la question :
I am trying to find out what percentage of our worlds population does the youtuber Pewdiepie have for subscribers? So he has 91 million subscribers and there are roughly 7.53 Billion people in the world. So what percent of our worlds population does Pewdiepie have for subscribers? Am I asking this correctly? I am just curious for marketing reasons and how much of the worlds market share does Pewdiepie have for his youtube channel? I just do not know how to set up the problem to find the answer?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Three letter permutations 2019-03-26
liliana pose la question :
I need to find a three letter permutation using four letters. I have no idea how to do this. Can you help me?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The volume of water in a pipe 2019-03-21
Abati pose la question :
How can I calculate the volume of water in a pipe with below details;

Pipe diameter - 6 inches
Length of pipe - 127meters

Penny Nom lui répond.
A scale factor 2019-03-19
Miracle pose la question :
A man in a photograph is 2cm tall. His actual height is 1.8m. Write a scale statement and determine the scale factor.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Slope and percentage 2019-03-19
Tom pose la question :
I need a slope of 2 Inches every 30 feet what is the percentage to put on my pipe lazer. thank you
Penny Nom lui répond.
The area of a triangle 2019-03-19
Dylan pose la question :
The area of a triangle is 108in squared. A base and corresponding height are in the ratio 3:2. Find the length of the base and the corresponding height
Penny Nom lui répond.
A dice game 2019-03-17
Remo pose la question :
So, little game my kid came up with.

Dice are standard d6.

I roll a die, he rolls a die. If he gets the same number as me OR a bigger number he wins. So far so good. Used the opportunity to get him to calculate the probabilities of him winning, see if I could get him interested into looking at this game from a more academic perspective. He did fine.

Then we upped the ante. He rolls one die, I roll two dice. I his die has a number that is equal or greater than both of mine, he wins.
We had a bit of trouble solving that one, and had to resort to a table with all the results ( 6x36) to figure out where we stood.

Then again we upped. He rolls two dice, I roll two dice. If any one of his dice has a number equal to or greater than both of mine he wins. I only win if one of my dice is greater than both of his. And we got stuck. Figured I would need to find a formula to resolve this one, as our earlier solution ( table everything ) suddenly is 36x36, giving well over a thousand possible results. And if we ever go bigger than that then we *really* are going to need another way to calculate it.

Harley Weston lui répond.
The bearing from C to A 2019-03-15
Emma pose la question :
A is 6km due north of turbine B,
C is 4.5km due west of turbine B
Calculate the distance AC

Then calculate the bearing of C from A
Give your answer correct to the nearest degree

Penny Nom lui répond.
When is John's next birthday on a Friday? 2019-03-15
Darek pose la question :
The question is the following:
Last Friday 4th of April of 2014 John was 40 years old. How old will John be the next time when his birthday fell on Friday?
Thanks for your help

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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