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A hemispherical bowl 2019-04-29
Innocent pose la question :
Abc is the section through a hemispherical bowl centre O radius 15cm. It contains water whose maximum depth is 8cm. What is the width of the water surface?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A circle inscribed in a triangle 2019-04-28
Daksh pose la question :
O is the centre of the inscribed circle in a 30°-60°-90° triangle ABC right angled at C. If the circle is tangent to AB at D then the angle COD is-
Penny Nom lui répond.
A dot on a child's car wheel 2019-04-28
julia pose la question :
A wheel of a child’s car revolves at 10 rpm. A painted dot on the circumference of the wheel is 12 cm from the centre of rotation of the wheel. How far does the dot travel in 5 s, to one decimal place?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The length of an arc 2019-04-28
Patrick pose la question :
If an arch is 48 inches wide at the base and 30 inches tall at its apex, what is the length of the arch?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A thread around a cylinder 2019-04-28
Ally pose la question :
A cylinder has a diameter of 3.5 cm. How many times will a thread 143mm go round the cylinder?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Two linear equations with a fraction 2019-04-26
Asha pose la question :
2x=-3y …1
x-2+-4/3(y+1) ...2

note: … is equation

Harley Weston lui répond.
Constructing a hexagonal pyramid 2019-04-25
REBECCA pose la question :
I'm doing a project for my Honors Geometry class and I have to build a regular hexagonal pyramid. I was given the volume of .75 gallons, but I don't know how to figure everything else out. Please help?

Harley Weston lui répond.
Three friend's ages 2019-04-25
Lemicio pose la question :
Janet is 10 years older than Karin, who is twice the age of Josef. If their combine age is 55, how old is each one now?
Penny Nom lui répond.
80% of an item is $200.00 80% of an item is $200.00 2019-04-25
kayla pose la question :
if 80% of a item is $200.00 what is the original price
Penny Nom lui répond.
Is every rectangle a rhombus? 2019-04-25
Danny pose la question :
Is a rectangle a rhombus??? True or False
Penny Nom lui répond.
The area of a triangle 2019-04-25
troy pose la question :
The base and the height of a right triangle are represented by the expressions below. The area of the triangle is 28 square units. Find the lengths of the base and the height of the triangle

base= x+4

Penny Nom lui répond.
(3d) Whether line segment intersects triangle 2019-04-13
rj pose la question :
Well hello,

Lets say I have a triangle,

Not any ordinary triangle, but a triangle that is represented in 3 dimensions. I also have a line segment.

Lets say that this triangle has points A(0,0,0), B(1,0,0), C(0,1,1)

And the line segment has points D(0,1/2,0), E(1,1/2,1)

In what way can I find if the line segment and triangle intersect? Their intersection point?

I don't prefer matrices, because they don't make any sense, but ... if that's the only way to solve this, then do what's necessary.

Thank you in advance.

Penny Nom lui répond.
An equilateral triangle 2019-04-10
ethan pose la question :
In equilateral triangle RST, R has coordinates (0, 0) and T has coordinates of (2a, 0). Find the coordinates of S in terms of a.
Penny Nom lui répond.
More on dominoes 2019-04-09
B pose la question :
A previous answer (http://mathcentral.uregina.ca/QQ/database/QQ.09.00/mark2.html) considered a method to make a line of all 28 dominoes.

Since there are an even number of each value, such a solution can be put into a circle.

Aside from the choice of starting tile, is the solution unique?

Penny Nom lui répond.
The area of a lot 2019-04-06
Robert pose la question :
Can you help me determine the rough square footage of this lot please(attached)? I think it is nearly 7000 square feet. I am sure I need the degrees of of the corners but I don’t have that. An estimate would be all I need. Thank you for you help. Rob
Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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