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Cost of a driveway 2010-10-11
arlene pose la question :
What is the total cost of a driveway that is 25' wide and 45' long with 4" thickness if the concreat cost 92.00 per cubic yard and labor is 70.00 a cubic yard?
Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Area on a dart board 2010-10-11
Robert pose la question :
A dart board consists of concentric circles and line segment. the radius of the bull's eye is 4 inches and each ring surrounding the bull's eye is 3 inches wide.
a) what is the area of the bull's eye
b) what percent is the bull's eye.

hint there are 4 rings and the bull's eye is divided into 4 (90) degree angles (meaning 1/2 up and down) (1/2 left to right.

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
Electronic cars around a circular track 2010-10-11
Taylor pose la question :
Cory and Melissa are racing electronic cars around a circular track. They begin at the same time going in the same direction. Cory's car completes a revolution in 35 secs, while Melissa's car completes a revolution in 30 secs. How long will it take them before both cars reach the starting point again simultaneously?
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
What is the maximum weekly profit? 2010-10-10
Joe pose la question :
A local artist sells her portraits at the Eaton Mall. Each portrait sells for $20 and she sells an average of 30 per week. In order to increase her revenue, she wants to raise her price. But she will lose one sale for every dollar increase in price. If expenses are $10 per portrait, what price should be set to maximize the weekly profits? What is the maximum weekly profit?
Stephen La Rocque and Penny Nom lui répond.
500 feet by what equals 8 acres? 2010-10-09
Terry pose la question :
500 feet by what equals 8 acres?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Un polynome de degré 3 2010-10-09
ait pose la question :
comment determiner n polynome P de degré 3 verifiant pour tout reel x la relation p(x+1)-p(x)=x²
Claude Tardif lui répond.
Can a function be both even and one to one? 2010-10-09
Tracy pose la question :
Can a function be both even and one to one?
Harley Weston lui répond.
x/200+x/400+x/600+x/800 2010-10-08
Ashishthombre pose la question :
step by step LCM of x/200+x/400+x/600+x/800
Penny Nom lui répond.
2x − 1 ( 1 − 2x) = 1 ( 2x − 2x) 2010-10-08
MC pose la question :
Solve 2x − 1 ( 1 − 2x) = 1 ( 2x − 2x) for x

I am befuddled! Thank you for any explanation you can give that show me the steps. I know the order in which I should tackle it, but am so confused regarding how to assume x. Thank you!

Penny Nom lui répond.
Tiles on a bedroom floor 2010-10-07
Rochelle pose la question :
John's bedroom floor is square in shape. He used 625 tiles, with a side length of 200 mm, to tile the whole floor. Calculate the area and dimensions of the bedroom
Penny Nom lui répond.
Exponential form 2010-10-06
celina pose la question :
what is the exponential form of 4x*4x
Penny Nom lui répond.
A division sentence for an array 2010-10-05
Laura pose la question :
On a math test Grace needs to look at an array and write a division sentence for the array. Grace writes 18/3=6 on her answer sheet. Describe what the array on Graces test looks like.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Two cars 2010-09-30
Amanda pose la question :
Two cars, 142 miles apart, start moving towards each other at the same time. One is moving 3 times as fast as the other. If they meet 1.7 hrs later, find the average speed of the slower car in miles per hour?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Rectangular arrays 2010-09-29
Kim pose la question :
My 4th grader has started working on rectangular array that shows 2 factors of a number.

The problem reads on centimeter grid paper draw as many arrays as you can for each of the #'s 2,3,4, 5,6,7,,11,12,15 and 16. That would be great except I have no idea what they are talking about and I cannot offer any help to my daughter.

Penny Nom lui répond.
A Taylor polynomial for (lnx)/x 2010-09-29
Dave pose la question :
I have a series problem that I cannot solve. The problem asks for you to compute a Taylor polynomial Tn(x) for f(x) = (lnx)/x. I calculated this poly out to T5(x) and attempted to use this to identify a pattern and create a series in order to calculate Tn(x). However, the coefficients on the numerator out to F5prime(x) are as follows: 1, -3, 11, -50, 274... Ok, so the negative is an easy fix -> (-1)^n-1. But the other coefficients are stumping me. I can't see any sort of pattern there and I've tried every trick I know. Is there another way to go about this? Thanks!
Chris Fisher lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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