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Four carpenters can build eight houses in 10 days. 2011-11-23
Kenneth pose la question :
Four carpenters can build eight houses in 10 days. Two carpenters can build how many houses in 15 days?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A railway bridge over a road is in the shape of a parabola 2011-11-23
Brennen pose la question :
A railway bridge over a road is in the shape of a parabola, and the bridge is 3 m high in the middle and 6 m wide at its base. A truck that is 2m wide is approaching the bridge. What is the maximum height that the truck can have and still pass under the bridge? Explain.

Thank you!!

Penny Nom lui répond.
The average age of 300 cars 2011-11-22
Jason pose la question :
I have 300 used cars built from 1970 to 1980, I would like to know the average age by total volume. If I provide the qty built per year, can I determine the average age of the lot (300) by total volume?
Total built 50 56 30 10 30 25 64 9 12 14
Year built 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980


Penny Nom lui répond.
The units digit of a prime number 2011-11-22
Mike pose la question :
Every prime number larger than 10 has a digit in the ones place that is included in which set of numbers below?
A. 1,3,7,9
B. 1,3,5,9
C. 0,2,4,5,6,8
D. 1,3,7

Penny Nom lui répond.
The acreage covered by a berm 2011-11-21
Katherine pose la question :
I need to know how to figure the acreage a berm might cover. Berm size is 815 ft. long with a 5' height average at a 3:1 slope It will have a 4 ft. top.

Also how do you figure how wide a base would be for a berm at a 3:1 slope? I am thinking for every 3 ft horizontal I need to go 1 foot vertical starting from the center out. Is this only half the berm and need to mirror it for the other side to get a total base width?

Penny Nom lui répond.
The height of a flag pole 2011-11-21
Micah pose la question :
A flagpole stands vertically at the edge of a roof of a building 200 ft high. the angle of elevation of the pole from a point 100 ft from the bottom of the building is 67 degrees. Find the length of the pole in meters.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Water pouring into a conical tank 2011-11-21
Patience pose la question :
Hi my name is patience and I'm having a problem with this question.
Water pours into a conical tank of semi vertical angle 30 degrees at the rate of 4 cm^3/s, where h is the depth of the water at time t. At what rate is the water rising in the tank when h = 10 cm?
Thank you

Penny Nom lui répond.
Reducing by a scale factor of 1/3 2011-11-21
Sandra pose la question :
A rectangle with the dimensions of 6.3 cm and 5.8 cm is reduced by a scale factor of 1/3. What are the dimensions of the new image?
Penny Nom lui répond.
2 + f(x) and f(x) + 2 2011-11-21
Beth pose la question :
Do you do y=2+f(x) the same way as if the 2 came after the equation such as y=f(x) +2 when graphing?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A triangle problem 2011-11-20
May pose la question :
In triangle ABC, AB=AC, angle A=20,
D lie on AB making DC=AD,
E lie on AC making angle EBC=70.
Find angle DEB.

Chris Fisher lui répond.
In how many ways can 12 members of volleyball team line up ... 2011-11-18
Aatir pose la question :
In how many ways can 12 members of volleyball team line up if the captain and assistant captain have to remain together.
Penny Nom and Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
15 pigs and 6 pens 2011-11-16
Mike pose la question :
I have 15 pigs and 6 pens, I have to put them in odd numbers, how do I do it.
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Ordering Fractions 2011-11-16
Chloe pose la question :
hey okay im having trouble with a math question. how do you put these fractions in number order
8/14 11/28 3/7

Jaymi Schmidt lui répond.
Ordering fractions 2011-11-16
Laya pose la question :
Order from least to greatest
2/3, 1/2, 5/12

Jaymi Schmidt lui répond.
The 3, 4, 5 right triangle 2011-11-15
rishil pose la question :
to the nearest degree,what is the measure of the smalles angle in a rightt triangle with sides of length 3,4 and 5?
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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