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Squares and triangles 2011-12-06
Liaqath pose la question :
You have squares and triangles.
Altogether there are 33 sides.
How many squares do you have?
How many triangles do you have?

Penny Nom lui répond.
The arc of a bridge 2011-12-05
Marioneta pose la question :
Two same columns placed symmetrically, 40 m apart. The height of columns is 8 m. If the origin of the coordinate system is placed at the foot of the left column the equation of the arc of the bridge: f (x) =-1/80x^2+1/2x+8

What is the maximum height of a boat sailing under the bridge and identify its path.

Penny Nom lui répond.
A cube of ice is melting 2011-12-05
Emily pose la question :
a cube of ice (i.e.) each side is of the same length) is melting at a rate such that the length of each side is decreasing at a rate of 5cm per hour. how fast is the volume of the cube decreasing (in cubic cm per hour) at the instant the length of each side is 25cm?
Penny Nom lui répond.
What is the altitude of the balloon? 2011-12-04
C pose la question :
Chelcy and Jorgeare 2.32 miles apart. The observe a hot air balloon directly overhead between them Chelcy's angle of elevation is 28 degrees. Jorge's Angle of elevation is 37 degrees. What is the altitude of the balloon?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Two circles 2011-12-04
Luke pose la question :
Two fixed circles intersect at A and B.
P is a variable point on one circle.
PA and PB when produced meet the other circle at M and N respectively.
Prove that MN is of constant length.
p.s. I also sent the question with a figure via email.

Chris Fisher lui répond.
Two parallel chords 2011-12-04
violet pose la question :
Two parallel chords of a circle AB and CD on the same side of the centre measure 6 cm and 11 cm respectively. Find the radius.
Chris Fisher and Walter Whiteley lui répond.
Repeating a medication 2011-12-02
ivan pose la question :
One person received the recommendation of a doctor taking the drug "Passaneura" every 10 hours. After a few days, noted that the time you should take the medication had not been repeated once. How many days since the first dose, will have to pass the time until recur
Penny Nom lui répond.
Solve for theta if 8cos^2 theta-3=1 2011-12-02
Katherine pose la question :
Hi, I have just learned to solve trigonometric problems for theta and have one specific question in order to find the solutions to my homework. I will use one example for this question. If I have 8cos^2 theta-3=1 I first divide by 8 and get cos^2theta=3/8 then I have cos theta= plus or minus the square root of 3/8 Then I assume that I plug in inverse cos (the square root of 3/8) to my calculator. How do I find the four solutions (we are typically supposed to find four, I believe?) Can you help me with finding the solution to this problem? Thank you!
Penny Nom lui répond.
The total number of roles that a user can be assigned 2011-12-02
Colin pose la question :
Hi, I want to define an equation for calculating the total combination of roles that a user can be assign in a system.

Here is the background: There are two types of roles that a user can be assigned. These are object roles and data roles. There must be at least 1 object and 1 data role in the system. A user must be assigned at least 1 object role and at least 1 data role. A user can be assigned as many object roles and data roles as are created in the system. There is no upper limit to the number of roles that a user can be assigned except for the total number of object roles and data roles that exist. The number of object roles and data roles in the system are independent. Can someone please assist? Thanks.

Penny Nom lui répond.
A suspension bridge 2011-11-30
jennifer pose la question :
suspension bridges like the golden gate bridge, are used to span large distances. when the main curved cables are attached to the deck by vertical cables they will end up in the shape of parabola. assume that we need to build a bridge that spans 2,400 feet. the two towers 165feet tall each where placed at 400feet from either side. the lowest point of the center of the bridge at 10feet. vertical suspension cables where placed at 25foot interval. how many feet of cable are needed to connect the deck to the main cables between the two towers? show all working.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Two boats 2011-11-30
Shayan pose la question :
A boat is traveling 20 miles per hour when it passes a lighthouse. another boat is traveling at 15 miles per hour when it passes a point. the lighthouse and the point are 175 miles apart. when will the boats pass each other?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The 3rd term of an A.P is 10 more than the first term 2011-11-29
Olaniyan pose la question :
the 3rd term of an A.P is 10 more than the first term while the fifth term is 15 more than the second term. Find the sum of the 8th and 15th terms of the A.P if the if the 7th term is 7 times the first term.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Three consecutive numbers 2011-11-29
Michael pose la question :
Find three consecutive numbers such that the second number squared is equal to the first and third added together
Penny Nom lui répond.
Converting from base 4 to base 10 2011-11-29
anjg pose la question :
How to convert base 4 number 2^11 to base 10 number?
Penny Nom lui répond.
An arithmetic expression 2011-11-28
Muhmmad pose la question :
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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