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A circle inscribed in a regular octagon 2012-01-16
Eric pose la question :
I have a circle inscribed in a regular octagon. How do I determine the length of one side of the octagon if I know the radius of the circle (2.75 inches) ?
p lui répond.
Exponential form 2012-01-15
Helen pose la question :
How do you write (1/x) in exponential form?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The derivative of x^-(1/2) 2012-01-14
Eric pose la question :
I have an problem figuring out the derivative of the negative square root of x i.e. x^-(1/2) using the first principle.
Could someone please show me?
Thanks in advance!

Harley Weston lui répond.
The same mean but different ranges 2012-01-14
swathi pose la question :
Frank and Frances work out at their local gym. the mean of their workout times is the same: 48 min. however, the range of Frank's workout times is 7 min, while the range of Frances'sworkout times is 16 min. explain how this is possible.
Penny Nom lui répond.
How many gallons of water to fill my pool? 2012-01-13
Don pose la question :
How many gallons of water do you need to fill a 22 feet long and 13 feet wide rectangular pool if it is 3 feet deep on one end and 7 feet deep on the other end?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Four apples and two oranges cost Rs. 30... 2012-01-13
nasr pose la question :
Four apples and two oranges cost Rs. 30, and one apple and 3 oranges costs Rs.15.How much does each apple and each oranges cost?
Harley Weston lui répond.
Lost in the woods 2012-01-12
Liz pose la question :
I am lost in the woods. I believe that I am in the woods 3 miles from a straight road. My car is located 6 miles down the road. I can walk 2miles/hour in the woods and 4 miles/hour along the road. To minimize the time needed to walk to my car, what point on the road should i walk to?
Harley Weston lui répond.
The radius of a circle 2012-01-12
Janie pose la question :
Find the radius of a circle knowing that a chord of 24.6 inches has a corresponding arc of 70°.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Running 5 km 2012-01-12
Fayeann pose la question :
What amount of time will it take a person running 7 m/s to travel a distance of 5 km?
Penny Nom lui répond.
What is the height of the triangle? 2012-01-12
Hailey pose la question :
The area of a triangle is 77ft2. if the base is 11ft. how tall is the height?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A volume of revolution 2012-01-11
john pose la question :
find volume of solid generated by revolving the region in the first quadrant bounded by the curve y squared=x cubed, the line x=4 and the x-axis about the line y=8. The answer in the back of the book is 704 pi divided by5
Penny Nom lui répond.
One acre of dirt 6 inches deep 2012-01-11
Cameron pose la question :
Ok what im wanting to know is how many pounds of dirt are in 80 acres of land that is 6 inches deep? My friend and I are stumped on this question
Penny Nom lui répond.
An equilateral triangle and some circles 2012-01-10
tushar pose la question :
draw an equilateral triangle with side 6cm.draw 3circles with radii 3cm on each angular point of triangle.draw common tangent on each of two circles
Penny Nom lui répond.
A picture in a frame 2012-01-10
nnadozie pose la question :
a picture, which measures 46cm by 38cm, is surrounded by a frame, which is 2cm wide, find the area of the frame.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A trig identity 2012-01-08
Joe pose la question :
Prove this Trig. Identity :

((cos2θ + sinθ-1) / tanθ ) + sin2θ = cosθ

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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