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Rolling three dice 2012-01-26
Aishwarya pose la question :
A red, a blue and a green die are all thrown at the same time. Display all the possible outcomes in a suitable way. Find the probability of obtaining:-
1. A total of 18 on the three dice
2. a total of 4 on the three dice
3. a total of 10 on the three dice
4. a total of 15 on the three dice
5. a total of 7 on the three dice
6. the same number on each die..

Robert Dawson lui répond.
The difference in the latitudes of Lynchburg and Myrtle Beach 2012-01-26
Sarah pose la question :
Assuming that the earth is a sphere of radius 6378 kilometers, what it is the difference in the latitudes of Lynchburg, Virginia and Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, where Lynchburg is 400 kilometers due north of Myrtle Beach?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
A circular cylinder circumscribed about a right prism 2012-01-25
Noriz pose la question :
A cylinder is circumscribed about a right prism of altitude 12.6cm. Find the volume of the cylinder if the base of the prism is an isosceles triangle of sides 3cm by 3cm by 2cm.
Hope you can help me with this.

Penny Nom lui répond.
Great circle course 2012-01-25
Hervé pose la question :
On the earth, the mathematical formula giving the distance between two points, and the initial course for a boat on the great circle is well known. I need to find the inverse formula, ie knowing an initial position on earth, and the initial course of the boat, and the distance to run on the great circle, the formula gives the final position (longitude and latitude).
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Today is Emma's Birthday. 2012-01-25
Mike pose la question :
Today is Emma's Birthday.
Emma's mother is four times as old as Emma is today.
In four years, Emma's mother will be three times as old as Emma.
How old is Emma today?

Penny Nom lui répond.
A fountain 2012-01-24
kris pose la question :
A fountain has a radius of 14 meters to its outer edge. Their is an inner ring in the center of the fountain, where a statue of Sir Isaac Newton stands, that does not contain water. The inner ring has a diameter that is 6m less than the diameter of the outer ring of the fountain. What is the circumference of the inner ring? What is the area that is covered by water in the fountain?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Ten percentage of 24 hours 2012-01-23
robin pose la question :
Hai.. Myself Robin.. May i know the ten percentage of 24 hours? Pls help me.. Thank you.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Four pizzas 2012-01-23
kris pose la question :
a pizza company wishes to put 4 medium pizzas in a box to sell as a party pack. The box they want to use the square and has dimensions of 60cm by 60cm. They need you to help them calculate the dimensions of the pizza that will fit in the box. Calculate the following: area, radius, diameter, circumference
Penny Nom lui répond.
A cube inscribed in a sphere 2012-01-23
Gelo pose la question :
What are the largest volume and total surface area of a cube that may be inscribed inside a sphere whose radius is 5 kilometers.
Walter Whiteley lui répond.
A problem in logic 2012-01-19
Ghader pose la question :
The puzzle below I know the answer to; because someone told me! My question is: how could I answer it using logic, maths, etc. what field of inquiry does this kind of problem fall into? Puzzle: You are in a room with two men: one is a compulsive liar and the other is a compulsive honest. There are two doors: one leading to heaven, the other to hell. The two men know which door leads to where. You want to go to heaven but are allowed only ONE question from one or the other of the two men. What would that question be? [The question to ask, from either man, is: "if I asked the OTHER man which door leads to heaven, which door would he point?". You would then choose the other door.] Has this answer got any basis in logic or maths at all?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
-8(3x+4)+6x=4(x-8 )+4x 2012-01-18
bianca pose la question :
-8(3x+4)+6x=4(x-8 )+4x
Penny Nom lui répond.
A limit 2012-01-18
Neil pose la question :
The limit of [(1/x)^3 - 1/8]^1/3 all over (x - 1/2) as x approaches 1/2 to positive infinity. How to answer that?
Harley Weston lui répond.
The difference in latitudes of two cities 2012-01-18
Renee pose la question :
Assuming that the earth is a sphere of radius 6378 kilometers, what is the difference in latitudes of two cities, one of which is 600 kilometers due north of the other?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Tangent of theta 2012-01-17
stahl pose la question :
explain what the 'tangent of theta' means. Draw and label a diagram to help with your explanation.
Harley Weston lui répond.
Brian on his bike 2012-01-16
tiffany pose la question :
Brian rides his bike 0.29 miles per minute. If it takes him 22 minutes to ride his bike to his friend's house, how far away does his friend live?
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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