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Profit 2012-10-05
kathie pose la question :
find the profit income is $500 expenses $120
Penny Nom lui répond.
Two circle problems 2012-10-05
shahad pose la question :
question 1
find an equation for the circle through the point (0,0) and (6,0) that a tangent to the line y=-1
question 2
find an equation for the circle through the point (0,0) and (17,7) whose center lies on the line 12x-5y=0

Penny Nom lui répond.
Painting 400 drums 2012-10-05
Jordan pose la question :
This cylinder is given:

Cylinder with a height of 84 cm and a diameter of 54 cm.

Question: The exterior of the drum (cylinder), except the base, is to be painted blue. calculate how many litres of paint will be needed to paint 400 drums if one litre of paint covers 8.8meters Squared. Answer to nearest tenth of a litre.

Harley Weston lui répond.
\mbox 2012-10-05
Jordan pose la question :
This cylinder is given:

Cylinder with a height of 84 cm and a diameter of 54 cm.

Question: The exterior of the drum (cylinder), except the base, is to be painted blue. calculate how many litres of paint will be needed to paint 400 drums if one litre of paint covers 8.8meters Squared. Answer to nearest tenth of a litre.

Harley Weston lui répond.
Four tangent circles 2012-10-04
renu pose la question :
inside of a circle K of radius length measure R,three circular discs A,Band C each of radius r are placed so that each touches the other two and K . express R in terms of r. in the space between K, A and B , another circular disc D is placed which just touches K, A and B. if the radius is s, show that (6+root3)s=(2+root3)r
Penny Nom lui répond.
Find an algebraic expression 2012-10-03
Karen pose la question :

Question from Karen, a parent:

Find an algebraic expression relating the input and output.

input output
3 1
9 3
15 5
21 7
27 9

Penny Nom lui répond.
Solve 8t-r=12t for t 2012-09-29
Monejah pose la question :
I need help solving 8t-r=12t for t
Penny Nom lui répond.
A problem involving simple interest 2012-09-27
Tash pose la question :
The amount of money in a single year of an investment after P dollars were initially invested is A = P + Prt, where r is the rate of simple interest. What expression describes P? How much money was initially invested if the account has $1000 one year after the initial investment and the interest rate was 5%?
Penny Nom lui répond.
More on marbles in a jar 2012-09-27
josh pose la question :

Question from josh, a student:

Suppose you have a jar containing 100 red marbles and 100 white marbles. A) If you draw 5 marbles in a row, throwing each marble across the room as you draw it, what is the probability that at least one of them was red? B) If you draw 101 marbles in a row, throwing each one across the room as you draw it, now what is the probability that at least one of them was red?

I saw that this answer was already answered but "The probability that at least one is red is 1 minus the probability that they are all white." makes no sense to me can you please explain i thought that each time a marble is taken out the amount left is different can you please explain better

Robert Dawson lui répond.
Profit and discount 2012-09-24
ally pose la question :
A wholesaler purchased a wheat for $150 per tonne.He sold it at $170 per tonne.Calculate the percentage profit to (1 decimal place)if the wholesaler offered a 12% discount on the selling price.What could be the new selling price?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Guess and Check 2012-09-24
Myron pose la question :
My daughter has homework involving Guess and Check. Her Math book is no help with the question in her homework so hopefully you can help me. Here's the question: "The sum of a number and it's double is 24. Use the Guess and Check method to find the answer". Help!!
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Adding two fractions 2012-09-19
jeanette pose la question :

Question from jeanette, a parent:

can you help me figure this according to BEDMAS I am lost
steps please:
\[\frac{12.75^2}{50} + \frac{13.49^2}{60}\]
I hope this is not too confusing for you it is to me...

Harley Weston lui répond.
The perimeter of a rectangle 2012-09-19
aretha pose la question :
calculate the perimeter of a rectangle with the long side 462ft x 9inches and the short side 50% less.
Penny Nom lui répond.
What percent of her monthly take home pay are her monthly expenses? 2012-09-19
tina pose la question :
a girls monthly take home pay is 1932.00. her monthly expenses total 1910.00. What percent of her monthly take home pay are her monthly expenses?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Changing the sign of an inequality 2012-09-19
Bryauna pose la question :
Why do you change the signs in inequalities?!
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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