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Composition of functions and one to one 2012-10-17
Ariana pose la question :
If f o g are one to one function,does it follow that g is one to one? Give reasons for your answers
Penny Nom lui répond.
The degree measure of the central arc of a circle 2012-10-17
Crystal pose la question :
On a circle with radius of 12 cm is an arc of length 20 cm. What is the degree measure of the central angle used to make this arc?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The height of a triangle 2012-10-17
Brian pose la question :
the base of my triangle is 12 metres and the two sides are 8.45 metres can you help me find the height of the triangle
Penny Nom lui répond.
4 digit combinations 2012-10-17
Scott pose la question :
How many different 4- number combinations from 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9 with 2 out of the 4 odd and 2 out of the 4 even, with no numbers repeating. Thanks
p lui répond.
3 acres 2012-10-16
Katy pose la question :
If 3 acres of land were a complete square, how many feet would be on each side?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Walking home from school 2012-10-15
margie pose la question :
My sister can walk from school to home in 40 minutes. I can walk from school to home in 30 minutes. Today I stayed for some extra help, and my sister was already 2/5 of the way home when I started. If I walk at my usual speed, can I catch my sister before she gets home? If yes exactly what fraction of the trip have we covered when I catch her? If no exactly what fraction of the trip have I covered when my sister gets home?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A question about a parallelogram 2012-10-14
Renu pose la question :
Question from renu, a parent:

ABCD is a parallelogram. BP and DQ are two parallel lines cutting AC at P and Q respectively. prove that BPDQ is a parallelogram

Harley Weston lui répond.
A tank with an inner walled compartment 2012-10-12
don pose la question :
I have a tank 20 feet diameter, 19' 8" tall with an inner walled compartment that has a 7' 6" radius arc with in the tank. I need to figure out the volume of the inner area and the volume of the larger area.
Harley Weston lui répond.
A word problem involving a fraction 2012-10-12
Derrick pose la question :
If the numerator and denominator of a fraction are both decreased by 1 the fraction becomes 2/3. If the numerator and denominator are both increased by 1 the fraction will be 3/4. Find the original fraction. How to do?
Penny Nom lui répond.
GST in New Zealand 2012-10-10
Colleen pose la question :
I work out my claimable gst each month but need to know the total sales or purchases amounts for filling in my six monthly paper work. How do I do that. I tried doing the opposite of calculating the gst i.e. x3 and /23 but it is slightly different to my total.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Possible soccer scores 2012-10-09
Riaan pose la question :
Good day, I would like to know all the possible scores for a set of 5 soccer matches with no more than 5 total goals being scored in any match. Bearing in mind that there are three outcomes to every match. Win, Lose or Draw. Could you please help me with this?

Kind regards
South Africa

Penny Nom lui répond.
A four digit number 2012-10-09
cyndi pose la question :
find this 4 digit number: the tens digit is 1/3 of the hundreds digit; the 2 digit number formed by the tens and ones digits i the largest prime number smaller than 40; the sum of all 4 digits is the same as the number of face on an icosahedron ? what is the number?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Three piles of top soil 2012-10-07
Steve pose la question :
I need your help please, I am looking to purchase some top soil and keep getting conflicting answers.
There are 3 piles and here are the sizes;
Pile #1: 203 feet around and 21.29 feet high.
Pile #2: 195 feet around and 18.75 feet high.
Pile #3: 150 feet around and 17.98 feet high.
I look forward to hearing back from you asap.
Thank You!

Harley Weston lui répond.
A problem that yields a linear equation 2012-10-07
Eshraj pose la question :
one fourth of a whole number is three more than one fifth of the next whole number.find the whole number
Penny Nom lui répond.
How many oranges? 2012-10-06
Rodger pose la question :

Question from Rodger, a teacher:

How Many Oranges?
Marjorie, Colleen, and Bob picked oranges together. They were tired after picking a large number of oranges and so fell asleep. Marjorie woke first and decided to take her third of the oranges and head home. She counted the oranges, and found that the number was divisible by 3 if she took one of the oranges first. Marjorie took one orange and then took one-third of the remaining oranges. She left quietly.
Bob awoke a short time later, noticed that Colleen was sleeping, and presumed Marjorie had gone for a walk. He decided to head home because he wasn't feeling well. Not realizing that anyone had left, he counted the oranges and found that the number of oranges was two more than a number that could be easily divided by 3. So he took the two extra oranges and then one-third of what was left. He left without waking Colleen and without waiting for Marjorie to return.
Colleen finally awoke and wondered where her friends had gone. She assumed they were both busy somewhere nearby. Before she left, she counted the oranges and was surprised at how small the number was. She found that the number of oranges was one more than a multiple of three, so she took the extra orange and one third of those remaining.

1. What was the total number of oranges the friends picked?
2. How many oranges were left behind when Colleen departed?
3. Is more than one answer possible for the total number of oranges? If so, what other numbers are possible? Explain.
4. Based on the values you found in problem 3, determine a reasonable solution to the problem. Explain your answer.
5. Is it possible that five oranges remained after Colleen took her share? Explain.
6. Could there have been six oranges left after Colleen departed? What about 46 oranges initially? Explain
7. Find a pattern that gives all the possible numbers of oranges that the friends picked. Explain your pattern

5. Is it possible that five oranges remained after Colleen took her “share”? Explain. 6. Could there have been six oranges left after Colleen departed? What about 46 oranges initially? Explain 7. Find a pattern that gives all the possible numbers of oranges that the friends picked. Explain your pattern

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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