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Multiplication in base two 2013-02-01
Michael pose la question :
multiply in the indicated base


Penny Nom lui répond.
The fourth side of an irregular polygon 2013-02-01
Emran pose la question :
I have a irregular polygon. I know 3 of the 4 sides, and 2 of the angles. A-B is 285, B-C is 149, and C-D is 310. Angle B is 135 degrees. and Angle C is 45 degrees. Is there a formula to solve for the final side? Thanks.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The multiplication table for the different bases 2013-02-01
sylvia pose la question :
I am having a difficult time trying to figure out how to fill in the multiplication table for the different bases. i don't know how to get the numbers.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A boy walks 3km due east and 4km due north 2013-02-01
Kayode pose la question :
Question from Kayode

A boy walks 3km due east and 4km due north. Find the bearing of the final point and the distance of the final position from the starting point.

Harley Weston lui répond.
The area of a rectangle 2013-01-29
Bali pose la question :
if the length of the rectangular field is decreased by 5m, its area is decreased by 70 sqm. if the width is increased by 6m, the area is increased by 180 sqm. determine the length and width of the rectangular field?
Penny Nom lui répond.
How many edges does cone have? 2013-01-28
Meriem pose la question :
how many edges does cone have pls?
Lorraine Dame, Chris Fisher and Walter Whiteley lui répond.
w varies jointly with the square of u and the cube of d 2013-01-26
Desiree pose la question :
i don't understand how to answer this 'w varies jointly with the square of u and the cube of d'
Penny Nom lui répond.
We have 2 teams of 6 couples each that play 6 games 2013-01-25
Denise pose la question :
We put together a game night where we have 2 teams of 6 couples each that play 6 games. We haven't been able to figure out an arrangement that allows each couple to play each game with a different couple from the opposite team (i.e. Team A couples play every game with a different couple from Team B). Is this possible? It works with 2 teams of 5 couples each.
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Use 9,10,6,8, and 4 to make 10 2013-01-25
Able pose la question :
How do you calculate using BEDMAS 9,10,6,8,4 to equal 10
Penny Nom lui répond.
Factor x^6 - 64 2013-01-25
Taylor pose la question :
Hi, I am having trouble factoring x^6-64. Could you help me?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A geometry word problem 2013-01-24
Matthew pose la question :
"G", "A" and "B" are collinear. "A" is between "G" and "B". "GA" Is 14 less than 3 times "AB". "GB"=46 Find "GA"

How would you solve this?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Golf for 17 2013-01-23
Richard pose la question :
I have looked through the examples on your site but can't find one that suits. I am fiddling with one to see if I can get a result; but not confident. I have 17 players playing 6 rounds in 3 groups of 4 and 1 group of 5. Two players will not be included in any 5 ball group. Can you help me please.
Victoria West lui répond.
The zeros of a fourth degree polynomial 2013-01-23
Dakota pose la question :
My problem has multiple steps and I have done everything but the last one. 8The original problem is f(x)=x^4-5x^3+7x^2+3x-10 and I have to find the zeros of the equation. I used synthetic substitution like my teacher taught us to get the equation of x^3-3x^2+x+5=0 but now I don't know how to get the zeros of that equation, or solve it.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Golf for 18 for 18 weeks 2013-01-22
Al pose la question :
We have 18 two man golf teams and we play once a week for 18 weeks. We need a formula to schedule these teams so that they play each other one time only.
Victoria West lui répond.
A railroad embankment 2013-01-22
clint pose la question :
the pennsylvania railroad found it necessary,owing to land slides upon the roadbed,to reduce the angle of inclination of one bank of certain railway cut near pittsburgh,pa.,from an original angle of 45 degrees to a new angle of 30 degrees. the bank as it originally stood was 200 ft.long and had a slant length of 60 ft.. find the amount of the earth removed, if the top level of the bank remained unchanged.
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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