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A cubical shipping container 2013-02-12
Chantel pose la question :
The length, width and height of a cubical shipping container are all decreased by 1.0 ft, thereby decreasing the volume of the cube by 37 ft3(feet-cubed) What was the volume of the original container? (recall: volume of cube with a side length x=x3) Define the variable, write a quadratic equation and solve by factoring.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The equation of a circle 2013-02-11
mhd pose la question :
Complete the equation of the circle centered at(0,4) with radius 3
Penny Nom lui répond.
Simultaneous equations 2013-02-10
Michael pose la question :
2P + 1/3V =8
3P - 2/V=5

Penny Nom lui répond.
The height of a sheet metal cone 2013-02-09
Charles pose la question :
Sheet metal cone.
I need a cone with a finished base of 38.19719 diameter The cone is to be from a 48 diameter round with the wedge cut out. The best calculation I have is the arc is 286.479. (correct?)

Could you verify this arc angle but more so what is the cone height?

Harley Weston lui répond.
4*4+4*4+4-4*4=??? 2013-02-06
Jacky pose la question :
Penny Nom lui répond.
Quebec taxes 2013-02-06
Cheryl pose la question :
can you please tell me the equation to calculate the Quebec taxes (5% & 9.975%) individually from the total?
thank you

Penny Nom lui répond.
Brian is x years old 2013-02-06
Sabrina pose la question :
Brian is x years old.
Peter is 4 years older than Brian.
Amy is 2 years younger than Brian.
The total of their ages is 26 years.
Work out the value of x.

Penny Nom lui répond.
What is the domain of f(x)=sin(ln(x))/ln(x)? 2013-02-06
Behrooz pose la question :
Hi, the following problem may be interesting: What is the domain of f(x)=sin(ln(x))/ln(x)? Be careful, domain is not obvious. Best regards Behrooz
Penny Nom lui répond.
A journey of two parts 2013-02-06
Natalie pose la question :
Mr Lim drove at 70 km per hour for 1 hour and 30 minutes. He then drove another 55 km. if his average speed for the whole journey was 80km per hour, what was his speed for the 55 km journey?
Penny Nom lui répond.
An arithmetic progression 2013-02-06
loberto pose la question :
the 3rd term of an a.p is 10more than the 1st term,while the 5th term is 15more than the 2nd term,find the sum of the 8th and 15th terms of the a.p if the 7th term is 7times the 1st term
Penny Nom lui répond.
Exponential form 2013-02-05
Sandra pose la question :
What is 37,008 in exponential form? Help me please!!!
Penny Nom lui répond.
We have 10 golfers and four rounds of golf in two days 2013-02-05
Steve pose la question :
We are having a golf tournament. We have 10 golfers and four rounds of golf in two days. We are going to break the group of 10 into two flights. Flight A and Flight B. We would like all members in Flight A to play one nine hole match against each other. All players in Flight B to play one nine hole match against each other. Could we play in groups of 4,3 and 3? What is the best way to make the pairings work?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Integration from 0 to 2pi of 1/(3cos x + 2) dx 2013-02-04
ankit pose la question :
Integration from 0 to 2pi of 1/(3cos x + 2) dx
Harley Weston lui répond.
A relation on a collection of sets 2013-02-04
raji pose la question :
suppose R be a non empty relation on a collection of sets defined by ARB if and only if A intersection B is nullset.then.....the correct answer is R is symmetric and not transitive...my doubt is how it is symmetric
Penny Nom lui répond.
7x-1/4-1/3[2x -1-x/2]=19/3 2013-02-03
M pose la question :
7x-1/4-1/3[2x -1-x/2]=19/3
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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