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GCD 2013-05-20
Julia pose la question :
Prove that if a and b are coprime integers, the greatest common divisor of a + b and a - b is either 1 or 2.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Inverse trig functions 2013-05-19
ky pose la question :
hello, so iv'e been asked to draw a triangle with sides of 3, 4, and 5. And find the measure of all three angle using sin-1, cos-1, tan-1. I got really confuse, I'm taking the SAT pretty soon and it would be great to get this... THANX
Penny Nom lui répond.
The square footage of a 17 inch by 17 inch tile 2013-05-18
Leroy pose la question :
How do I calculate the square footage of a 17inch by 17 inch tile
Penny Nom lui répond.
(4- 4cos^4 x)/(sin^2 x) 2013-05-18
Agnes pose la question :
How I can solve this question :

Simplify (4- 4cos^4 x)/(sin^2 x) and write in terms of sin x

Penny Nom lui répond.
r=10cos(t) in cylindrical coordinates 2013-05-18
r.m pose la question :
question from calculus exam: what is the figure obtained having eqn.r=10cos(t) in cylinderical coordinates? i know it is a cylinder with center (5,0) ,but can't the equation represent two cylinders ,one with center (5,0) and the other with center (-5,0). thanks for any help.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Inverting fractions and percentage 2013-05-18
Carlos pose la question :
If I calculate the percentage change between two fractions, say, 1/100 and 2/100, I get 100% change. Now, if I flip denominator and numerator, 100/1 and 100/2, and repeat the calculation, I get a 50% change. Why are the percentages different?
Thank you very much

Penny Nom lui répond.
The percentage of fat in a container of yogurt 2013-05-17
Katy pose la question :
There is a question that I' having trouble with. It says: "A container of yogurt contains 228 g of water, 54 g of carbohydrates, 12 g of protein and 6 g of fat, what percentage of the yogurt is fat?" How do you convert 6 g into percentage?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Cutting three sections of pipe 2013-05-16
Michael pose la question :
A plumber cuts three sections of pipe from a 12’ length of ABS pipe, the lengths of the sections are 33 3/8”, 56 5/8” and 39 7/8”. What is left over from the full length, if the saw cut is 1/8” wide?
Penny Nom lui répond.
8 3/4 as a decimal 2013-05-15
Luisa pose la question :
How to make 8 3/4 into a decimal
Penny Nom lui répond.
HCF and LCM 2013-05-15
Kelly pose la question :
If HCF and LCM of two numbers is 7 and 20 respectively, then the number/s is/are….
Penny Nom lui répond.
Four digit combinations starting with 7 6 2013-05-15
Kaye pose la question :
How do I find the rest of a four digit combination starting with 7 6?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A circle and a chord 2013-05-14
yashvardhan pose la question :
A circle which radius 13cm. Find the length of the chord which is 5 cm away from center
Penny Nom lui répond.
An equation in two variables 2013-05-14
Steve pose la question :
Verify solutions to an equation in two variables. 4x-2y=8 (3, 2)
Penny Nom lui répond.
Dice 2013-05-14
Julia pose la question :
What is the probability of rolling(as many times as necessary) a die and getting a total number(sum) when all the rolls are added together of 11?
Lorraine Dame lui répond.
A 2-digit number 2013-05-13
A teacher pose la question :
Find a “2-digit number” where the sum of the 1st digit (on the Left) and the square of the 2nd digit equal the same number.
Lorraine Dame, Harley Weston lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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