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4=(1+.08)^x 2013-06-15
Samantha pose la question :
I can't seem to understand how to solve for x when it is in power form, here is the equation:


Penny Nom lui répond.
Surrounding a pipe with concrete 2013-06-11
jeanne pose la question :
I need 2 inches of cement around a 20 inch pipe that is 20 feet long. Thank you.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The surface area of a pyramid 2013-06-11
Sam pose la question :
A right rectangular pyramid has a rectangular base measuring 18 cm by 32 cm. The height of the pyramid is 12 cm. What is the surface area?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Two numbers whose difference is 16 2013-06-08
Johan pose la question :
Two numbers whose difference is 16 and whose sum is 120
Penny Nom lui répond.
How much does Sara get to take home 2013-06-05
Jessica pose la question :
Sara gets paid $15.00 an hour. She worked 80 hours during the pay period. If 28% of what she earned is deducted for taxes, how much does Sara get to take home?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Percent change in sales 2013-06-04
Sui pose la question :

I would like to ask your favor for reviewing the following percent change in sales calculation, did I do it right? I am surprise/wondering with the big amount of the percentage result. Your assistance and guidance would be highly appreciate.

Sales for month of August 2000: 5,198,750 IDR Sales for month of October 2000: 62,291,700 IDR Difference = 62,291,700 IDR - 5,198,750 IDR = 57,092,950 IDR Percentage change = 57,092,950 IDR : 5,198,750 IDR = 10.98 X 100 = 1,098%

Sales for month of February 2008: 1,664,800 IDR Sales for month of August 2008: 161,715,307 IDR Difference = 161,715,307 IDR - 1,664,800 IDR = 160,050,507 IDR Percentage change = 160,050,507 : 1,664,800 = 96.14 X 100 = 9,614%

Thanking you,

Penny Nom lui répond.
A kennel for a beagle 2013-06-03
david pose la question :
Hi, I'm building some beagle kennels and I am in need of help with an angle problem. I need to place a roof on my kennel with a drop of 2inches across 3ft 10inches. the posts on the right side will be 5ft and the post on the left will be 4ft 10in. the posts are 4x4 and the space to be covered is 3ft 10in from the outside of the 4x4. Please help, thanks.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A pump is operating at 70% 2013-06-03
Abdel pose la question :
Hi I was wondering if you could help me out on a question I recently got on an aptitude test.

A pump operates at 70% if it is pumping out 4500 gallons then how much will it pump out at 85%?

Penny Nom lui répond.
Four circles 2013-05-29
varsha pose la question :
four circular cardboard pieces each of radius 7cm are placed in such a way that each piece touches two other pieces. find the area enclosed by the four pieces.
Penny Nom lui répond.
21 golfers 2013-05-27
Linda pose la question :
A database search for a question on how to schedule 20 golfers in groups of 4 was very helpful ( Mona's answer referred to by C. Fisher 9-3-2008) I'm very glad I found this sight. Our problem is we will have 21 golfers in the second half of the season. Is it possible to figure out that schedule? I assume we will have to include byes, but I'm not sure how to go about doing that. Thank you.
Victoria West lui répond.
Simson line 2013-05-23
Nazrul pose la question :
From any point p lying on the circumcircle of the triangle perpendiculars PD , PE are drawn on BC,CA respectively. The line segment ED intersects at the point 0 ; prove that PO ⊥ AB ( PO is perpendicular to AB ).
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Two overlapping circles 2013-05-22
Alexandra pose la question :
There are two overlapping circles. The two non-overlapping regions have areas A and B. As the area of overlap changes, the values of A and B also change. Prove that no matter how big and small the overlap is, the difference between A and B is always the same.
Penny Nom lui répond.
How many acres does a 4.5 mi strip 52 inches wide make? 2013-05-21
Aaron pose la question :
How many acres does a 4.5 mi strip 52 inches wide make?
Lorraine Dame lui répond.
The dimensions of my property 2013-05-21
Mr. pose la question :
My property is 196 feet wide an I own 2 1/2 acres how many feet in depth is it
Lorraine Dame lui répond.
How many acres are in 212 ft 1 mile long? 2013-05-20
Connie pose la question :
How many acres are in 212 ft 1 mile long?
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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