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What is the value of |2((i)^(1/2))|? 2013-07-22
Delilah pose la question :
What is the value of |2((i)^(1/2))| ?
i.e. absolute value of 2 multiplied by square root of i.

Penny Nom lui répond.
What is the smallest number? (i.e. the closest number to zero) 2013-07-22
Charlie pose la question :
What is the smallest number? (i.e. the closest number to zero)
Harley Weston lui répond.
18/y=30/25 what number does y represent 2013-07-20
celeste pose la question :
18/y=30/25 what number does y represent
Penny Nom lui répond.
Solve x = ln(x) 2013-07-19
Udayan pose la question :
Sir/Madam, How to find the solutions of the equation, x = ln(x)
Penny Nom lui répond.
Percent and percentage point 2013-07-19
Kenneth pose la question :

Does 0.01 represent both one percentage point and one percent in decimal form?

What is, for example, 2/100 of one percentage point, and what is 2/100 of one percent?

Are the answers the same.

I thank you for your assistance.

Penny Nom lui répond.
10 guys playing 8-9 hole rounds 2013-07-19
Jason pose la question :
I have 10 guys playing 8 9 hole match-play rounds. I need to have everybody play the other 9 men, but need to limit them to only a 9 hole match between them. If we need to go 3-3-4 or 2-4-4 for a better solution, that may be possible.
Victoria West lui répond.
A geometric sequence 2013-07-16
Relebohile pose la question :
Find the n^th term of 3,6,9,12,24,48...
Penny Nom lui répond.
1,990 cubic yards in gallons 2013-07-16
Tayler pose la question :
You have 1,990 cubic yards of concrete to pour. If the average swimming pool holds 25,000 gallons, how many pools can Be poured with the 1,990 cubic yards of concrete.

1 cubic yard= 27 cubic feet

Penny Nom lui répond.
A quadratic with no real roots 2013-07-15
Pranav pose la question :
If ax^2+bx-5=0 has no real roots. Then d sign of 1) a+b-5 2) (25a-5b-5)(4a+2b-5) will be what ??
Penny Nom lui répond.
150 litres has been drawn from a tank 2013-07-14
henry pose la question :
When 150 litres has been drawn from a tank, it is 3/8 full, how many litres will the tank hold?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Dirt to fill a pool 2013-07-13
Neil pose la question :
I had a 24 foot diameter pool. The perimeter of it was at ground level. The pool sloped 1 foot deeper to the middle. In other words "a 1 ft. dish. How many cubic yards of dirt do I need to fill this hole?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Simultaneous equations 2013-07-10
Warren pose la question :
solve this simultaneous equation:

Penny Nom lui répond.
Distance as a function of acceleration 2013-07-10
Tom pose la question :
If you start at a stoplight and your acceleration is 16t - t^2, how far have you gone after 8 seconds?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Scheduling a 12 person fishing 2013-07-09
Don pose la question :
Greetings Math Central!
I searched the index, but could not find a similar quandary.
Here's my predicament:
I am seeking help in scheduling a 12 person fishing outing.
We have four boats.
I would like to schedule three fishermen to a boat.
We fish 2 1/2 days, split into morning and afternoon sessions.
Thursday afternoon, Friday morning, Friday afternoon, Saturday morning, and Saturday afternoon
We switch boats after lunch, with each fisherman moving to a different boat, with different partners.
I would like to have each fisherman fish with as many others in the group as possible, with a minimum of partner duplication.
I would like to have each fisherman fish in all of the four different boats over the course of the trip at least once.

Would you please suggest a boat / fishing partner schedule that fits my parameters as closely as possible.

Thank you!


Victoria West lui répond.
Diego and his dog 2013-07-09
William pose la question :
john went hunting and walked at a speed of 4 km/h. one hour later, Diego and his dog went to meet john with a speed of 6 km/h and the dog was running between john and diego until they meet up with a speed of 18 km/h. After Diego meets john, how much distance did the dog run?
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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