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Practical uses of trigonometry 2013-08-06
tharindu pose la question :
use of trigonometry
Penny Nom lui répond.
Slicing through a cone to form an ellipse 2013-08-06
Pulkit pose la question :
we get an ellipse on slicing through a cone. Is there a relation between central axis of the cone and this ellipse?
Does it pass through the any of the foci of the ellipse?

Chris Fisher lui répond.
Squares and cubes 2013-08-02
Sandra pose la question :
What whole number equals 25 when it is squared and 125 when it is cubed?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A golf tournament for 12 people 2013-08-01
Brad pose la question :
I've looked all over the web for a solution to this (including searching the archives here) to no avail.

We're doing a golf tournament with twelve people. Each person has a "handicap" that demonstrates their skill level. We have these numbers for each of the 12 players. We are trying to figure out how to schedule two rounds of golf with the most balance possible.

- We are playing two "real" rounds of golf (18 holes). There are four people per group.
- We want to split each round into two 9 hole games, which gives us a total of 4 games
- Halfway through (after 9 holes), you switch partners within the foursome that you're playing in.
- We want everyone to play with 4 unique different teammates

So say you start the first 18 hole round as a group of Players 1, 2, 3, and 4. Players 1 and 2 are a team, and players 3 and 4 are a team. After 9 holes, Player 1 would either be paired up with Player 3 or 4, and the other two players would pair up as well. Then the next day we will mix up the foursomes and do the same thing. In terms of just pure scheduling this is simple. But I'm trying to figure out how to best balance the handicaps (simple average of each team's two handicaps works here). Assuming I'll need some sort of program or spreadsheet. Any help or even a push in the right direction would be a tremendous help. Thanks in advance to anyone who wants to give this a shot.

Victoria West lui répond.
Golf for 16 2013-07-31
Graylin pose la question :
I am going on a golf trip and we have 16 players and need to know a formula that will allow us to all play together at some point in the 4 rounds we are playing. If not possible please provide best case. Thanks.
Victoria West lui répond.
16 golfers 2013-07-31
Pat pose la question :
16 golfers...3 nine hole rounds a day...for 4 days. what are the best pairings for the fewest repeats of partners?
Victoria West lui répond.
Dilution of concentrated acid 2013-07-31
Adom pose la question :
I have 500mls of 90% conc. of an acid. Now I need to prepare 20% concentration from this (say 100mls of this). How much of the stock solution do I take and how much water to add? Thanks!
Penny Nom lui répond.
Two parallel chords of a circle 2013-07-30
Don pose la question :
two parallel chords of a circle AB and CD on the same side from the center measure 6cm and 11 cm respectively. The distance between the 2 chords is 3 cm. Find the radius
Penny Nom lui répond.
A mixture problem 2013-07-29
Lucy pose la question :
Hi, For the following question:

Ten pounds of mixed nuts contain 50 percent peanuts. How many pounds of peanuts must be added so that the final mixture has 60 percent peanuts?(A) 2.5 (B) 5 (C) 6 (D) 10 (E) 12.5,

my math book gives my the following explanation: Try choice (C): 6 pounds of peanuts. The original 10-pound mixture contained 50 percent peanuts, or 5 pounds. Now you have 11 pounds of peanuts in a 16-pound mixture, more than 60 percent. This result automatically eliminates choices (D) and (E) as well.Why would this result automatically rule out D and E? How can you tell? Thank you for taking the time to answer my question.

Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond.
A word problem 2013-07-29
Gontsejalo pose la question :
Your firm held a dance competition. 900 people attended the dance competion.The cost of admission was 20rand per person and 30,50rand per couple.Twice as mant 20rand tickets as 30,50rand tickets were sold.find the amount of money obtained from the tickets sales
Penny Nom lui répond.
Working backwards 2013-07-28
Petal pose la question :
Tom bought some oranges. He threw 37 rotten oranges and bought 56 more. Finally he had 220 oranges. How many oranges did Tom had at first?
Penny Nom lui répond.
The area of a semicircle 2013-07-28
Lucy pose la question :
Find the area of the the figure described: a semicircle with arc length 3 pi.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A triangle construction 2013-07-27
Nazrul pose la question :
Two angles and the difference of the lengths of their opposite sides of a triangle are given. How can I draw the triangle. Please help me.
Chris Fisher lui répond.
Ann has a bag of marbles. 2013-07-25
Carmen pose la question :
Ann has a bag of marbles. she gave one half to her friend Tina and then one third to her friend Tom. Now left with 15. How many did she had originally?
Robert Dawson and Penny Nom lui répond.
GST and PST 2013-07-22
Bev pose la question :
Total sales revenues are 116391.38 this amount includes 5% GST and 80% of this amount includes a 7% provincial tax. The other 20% is PST exempt. GST is included in all. How do I figure the PST I owe?
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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