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Three consecutive whole numbers 2014-03-13
Abhishek pose la question :
Three consecutive whole numbers are such that if they be divided by 5,3 and 4 respectively, the sum of the quotient is 40. What are the numbers?
Chris Fisher lui répond.
A chord length of 2 cm 2014-03-13
prema pose la question :
I am having only chord length as 2cm. how to find arc length and degree
Penny Nom lui répond.
A cable around the Earth 2014-03-13
fikile pose la question :
By how much must an equatorial cable be extended in order that it runs 1meter above the ground?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A parabolic suspension bridge 2014-03-11
jeffrey pose la question :
the towers of a parabolic suspension bridges 200 meter long are 40 meter high and the lowest point of the cable is 10 meter above the roadway.Find the vertical distance from the roadway to the cable at 50 meter from the center.
Penny Nom lui répond.
8 golfers for 7 rounds 2014-03-11
Brian pose la question :
We have 8 guys playing 7 rounds of golf. We want to play with each player as a partner only once, sounds simple but i can not come up with the match ups beyond the first 4 matches. I believe the numbers should work perfectly where each player can play with another as a partner only once each throughout the week. Please help.
Robert Dawson lui répond.
The ratio of boys to girls is 5:3 2014-03-10
jane pose la question :
The ratio of the number of boys to the number of girls in the concert hall is 5:3. After additional 28 boys entered the concert hall, the ratio of the number of boys to the number of girls become 3:1 How many girls are their in the concert hall?
Penny Nom lui répond.
24 golfers playing 3 rounds 2014-03-10
Jim pose la question :
How can I rotate 24 golfers playing 3 rounds of golf so that none of them play with the same person twice.
Victoria West lui répond.
A circle which is tangent to two perpendicular lines 2014-03-09
MJ pose la question :
I'm a College Student taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education on Math Subject. And I'm struggling for my research about Circles. I done solving the said topic particularly on this question:

"What are the possible equations of a circle being tangent to a pair of perpendicular lines, having the origin as the Point of Intersection and the C (h, k), where h, k ∈ℤ"

But I can't get what would be the process that I must do in order to jive to my idea/goal for that problem.
Please check my idea that the numerical coefficients of the equation is equal to the radius of the circle. Thanks in advance! :)

Penny Nom lui répond.
The greatest common divider of n^2-3n-1 and 3 2014-03-09
Rimoshika pose la question :
determine the greatest common divider (n^2-3n-1,3)
Penny Nom lui répond.
A word problem 2014-03-09
Joanne pose la question :
Ashley weighs 5kgs more than Joyce. Their total weight is 41 kgs. What is the weight of Ashley?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A schedule for 6 teams over 12 weeks 2014-03-09
Paul pose la question :
So I have a question. I noticed you came up with ways to create schedules and we are having a really hard time making our lineup correctly. Basically we have 6 teams that will play over a 12 week period every Monday night. The time slots are 1 hr each playing at 6, 7 and 8. We would like each team to play 3 games at each time slot over the 12 weeks. Is this something that can actually be accomplished?
Thanks so much for your help!

Eric Venables lui répond.
Eleven golfers 2014-03-08
Leon pose la question :
I have a group of 11 golfers wanting to play 10 rounds of golf in grouping of 4,4,3 .What is the best solution so that everyone plays each other as many times as possible
Victoria West lui répond.
Simple interest 2014-03-08
lynn pose la question :
I need to find what the interest will be for: 5000.00 @ 16.5% annual rate, and the same for 10.8 % for 5000.00 annual rate all one question

thank you for your aid

Penny Nom lui répond.
The volume of scale in a pipe 2014-03-08
Sid pose la question :
What is the estimated volume of scale (Liters) if you have a 12 inch ID pipe,300 feet long with scale 1/2 inch thick. Please show me the method and formula. Thank you for your assistance.
Penny Nom lui répond.
The angle of depression 2014-03-08
Ranger_minor pose la question :
A woman of height 1.4 metres standing on the top of a building 34.6 metres high views a tree some distance away. she observes that the angle of depression of the bottom of the tree is 35 degrees and the angle of depression of the top of the tree is 29 degrees.

assume that the building and the tree are on level ground :
1). calculate the distance of the woman from the top of the tree measured along her line of sight.

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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