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The faces of a triangle 2014-03-24
Westun pose la question :
Your answer says that a triangle has 0 faces but isn't the part of the shape you see the face!? Because i am having trouble with that so could you help me!
thanks! :)

Penny Nom lui répond.
9 golfers in groups of 3 2014-03-22
Andrew pose la question :
We are a group of 9 golfers.
We play 4 rounds in 3 groups of 3.
What would be the most equitable where everyone plays with another at least 1 time...?. Thank you.

Victoria West lui répond.
Riding on a Ferris wheel 2014-03-21
Claire pose la question :
A Ferris wheel has a radius of 72 feet and its center is 85 feet above the ground. At the top of the Ferris wheel, Sam is in the topmost car. If the Ferris wheel makes two complete revolutions per minute, how high above the ground will Sam be after 10 seconds?
Penny Nom lui répond.
An arithmetic sequence 2014-03-20
Xabiso pose la question :
The 10th term of an arithmetic sequence is 28 and the 7th term is 19. Calculate the common difference and the first term of the sequence.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Three digit padlock combinations 2014-03-20
Edwin pose la question :
Would appreciate if you can provide me with the list of different combinations that can be obtained from a three digits number. I lost the access code of a three digits number padlock (and need to open it order to get important documents
Penny Nom lui répond.
Ms. Werenich's nickels, dimes and quarters 2014-03-19
London pose la question :
Ms. Werenich has twice as many dimes as nickels and 4 more quarters than nickels. If she has $4.50, how many of each coin does she have? What would the let statements be of this problem and can you solve it?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Find two numbers with a sum of -8 and a difference of 4 2014-03-19
Elisabeth pose la question :
Find two numbers with a sum of -8 and a difference of 4. Let x be the greater number and y be the lesser number.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A formula for determining concrete volume in cu. yd. 2014-03-19
Steven pose la question :
I know a couple of formulas for determining concrete volume in cu.yd. the one I use most frequently is length in feet x width in feet x thickness in inch. Divided by 324. It works every time. Where does the number 324 come from.
Penny Nom lui répond.
14 teams divided into two equal divisions 2014-03-18
C pose la question :
We have 14 teams divided into two equal divisions. We want each team to play each team in their division one time and four teams from the other division one time. What is the schedule
Victoria West lui répond.
Markup 2014-03-17
Lorriane pose la question :
I work for a plumbing company and our new financial manager said we should mark up all parts we buy by 142.86 to get a 30% mark up, however if we buy something for $100.00 we charge $130.00 being 30%. If we use the other method the customers will be paying $142.86 for $100.00 and they still say that this is only 30% mark up. We have for years been taught percentages at school and also the Government charges us 15% GST which on $100.00 would be $15.00 so who is correct. Thank you for your wonderful website Lorriane
Chris Fisher and Penny Nom lui répond.
A circle inscribed in a right triangle 2014-03-16
akshaya pose la question :
A circle with centre O and radius r is inscribed in a right angled triangle ABC. If AB=5 cm, BC=12 cm and < B=90*, then find the value of r.
Penny Nom lui répond.
2 rectangular prisms are similar by a scale of 0.75 2014-03-16
gina pose la question :
2 rectangular prisms are similar by a scale of 0.75. The volume of the smaller prism is 27cm3 (cubed). How many cubic centimeters is the volume of the larger prism?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Two overlapping arcs in a square 2014-03-15
Jean pose la question :
I have a square with side 4 cm. There are two overlapping arcs going from vertex to diagonal vertex. The other two vertices are the center of the arcs, which are shaded. How do I find the area of the shaded arcs? The overlapping arcs when shaded resemble a long thin football
Thank you for your help.

Penny Nom and Walter Whiteley lui répond.
The area of a 5 sided lot 2014-03-15
Michael pose la question :
Question from michael:

This lot is in feet. 59x154x109x188x137 per the plot plan

Harley Weston lui répond.
40 meters increased by 20% 2014-03-14
Kyle pose la question :
I need help finding out this question: 40 meters increased by 20% Is the answer 800 or is it 8?
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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