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A factoring problem 2014-10-05
Gina pose la question :
Penny Nom lui répond.
Sieve of Eratosthenes 2014-10-03
Hope pose la question :
using Sieve of Eratosthenes to determine for in instance prime numbers between 1 to 200, to what nth number should i stop?, 4th, which is 11 or what?
Robert Dawson lui répond.
Percentages in a mixture 2014-10-02
viola pose la question :
Hi there

can you help me convert the below so it makes 100% (individual %)

400 gr =
100 gr =
50 gr =
50 gr =
20 gr =
2 gr =
1 gr =
1 gr =

Be great to hear back from you

Thank you


Penny Nom lui répond.
Trig functions and the unit circle 2014-10-02
Jake pose la question :
I was wondering what conclusions can be drawn about the trigonometric functions and how they work about the circle. Can you also please give me an explanation for it? Thank you.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Division in base 3 2014-09-30
Nnubia pose la question :
1021 in base 3 divided by 2 in base 3
Penny Nom lui répond.
A lost combination 2014-09-28
Kim pose la question :
I cannot remember my combo to this simple lockbox. It is 3 digits- from 0-9. They can be used more than once . I thought it was 117..but no joy. I am fairly sure it was using those digits 1, and 7. can you give me a list of all possible combinations, using 1s and 7s, for the 3 number code? Thank you and I am in awe of people who have math skills, for I certainly do not.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A rectangle and a triangle 2014-09-27
rajesh pose la question :
The perimeter of a rectangle is equal to the perimeter of a right-angled triangle of height 12 cm if the base of the triangle is equal to the breadth of the rectangle, what is the length of the rectangle?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A man a ship and a wharf 2014-09-26
Ralph pose la question :
A man om wharf 12 meters above the level of water is pulling a rope tide to a boat at the rate of 2 meters per minute. How fast is the boat approaching the wharf when there are 20 meters of the rope our. (with solution)
Penny Nom lui répond.
A wire is bent to form a right triangle 2014-09-25
Lorena pose la question :
A wire 24 dm is bent to form a right triangle. The ratio of the shorter leg to the hypotenuse is 3:5. Find the length of the longer leg?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Two equations in x and y 2014-09-25
seyilogo pose la question :
solve y=2x - 3 and (4x - 2y) / x + y = 1 simultaneously
Harley Weston lui répond.
Continuity on a closed interval 2014-09-21
Pragya pose la question :
The trouble I'm having is as follows :
a continuous function is most of the times defined on a closed interval, but how is it possible to define it on a closed interval ,because to be continuous at endpoints of the interval the function's limit must exist at that endpoint,for which it has to be defined in its neighborhood,but we don't know anything about whether the function is always defined in the neighborhood.
Please help...

Penny Nom lui répond.
A quadratic equation 2014-09-20
Najah pose la question :
(E): (m2_1)x2 _ (m+3)x+4_m2=0
A) for what values of m is the equation (E) quadratic?
B) for what value of m is the real number -1 a root of (E)

Penny Nom lui répond.
The perimeter of a parcel of land 2014-09-18
Shirley pose la question :
What is the perimeter of a parcel of land that is 564 acres square
Penny Nom lui répond.
Meetings for 77 students 2014-09-18
Adam pose la question :
We have a new group of students starting, and would like to set up a series of small group meetings so each student meets each other, hopefully without meeting the same people twice.

We have 77 students. In theory I would like to have 11 meeting slots, with 10 groups in each slot, with up to 8 students in each group. Is there a way to do this?

I have wondered if it might be easier to do 9 meeting slots, with 9 groups per slot, with 9 students per group. Thanks!

Victoria West lui répond.
Two equations in two variables 2014-09-18
Susan pose la question :
(28x + 36y) - [20000 - .75(28x + 36y) + 60000] = 5000
x + y = 10000
solving two equations involving variables

Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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