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Three consecutive odd integers 2014-10-17
Maddy pose la question :
3 times the largest of three consecutive odd integers is 13 more than the sum of the other two. What are the integers?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Water in a spherical container 2014-10-17
Natalie pose la question :
A spherical container with radius 10cm being filled with water such that the water level, h cm, in the container increase at a rate of 0.5 cm s^(-1). Show that the area of the horizontal surface of water, A cm^(2), in the container is given by A = π(20h - h^(2) ).
Penny Nom lui répond.
A poorly worded question 2014-10-14
Marjorie pose la question :
How do I figure out the following? Dylan's dog weights 12 times more than his pet rabbit. The dog and the rabbit weight 104 pounds. How much does Dylan's dog weigh? Would you explain in detail how I would arrive at the answer so I can convey same to my grandson who is in the 5th grade. Thanks.
Penny Nom lui répond.
A linear system 2014-10-14
pheter pose la question :
4/x - 1/y = 3 .... equation (1)
6/x - 2/y = 5 .... equation (2)

Penny Nom lui répond.
A fact family containing 4, 4 and 16 2014-10-14
Leslie pose la question :
I am helping my son and the question is 4,4,16 in fact family what does that mean
Penny Nom lui répond.
How does pir^2 = 1/4pid^2? 2014-10-14
al pose la question :
Hi I cant work out the algebra. How does pir^2 = 1/4pid^2 Thanx
Penny Nom lui répond.
Building an 8 sided box 2014-10-14
Michael pose la question :
I want to build an 8 sided box. The North, East, South, and West sides I want them to be 4 feet in length.
The NE, SE, SW, and NW sides I want to be 2 feet in length. What angles do I need to cut my angles.
Thanks Michael

Penny Nom lui répond.
15 - (5-x)/ x = 30 2014-10-13
AMANDA pose la question :
15 - (5-x)/ x = 30

I thought you had to multiply both sides by x in order to remove the fraction?

15x - 5x - x2 = 30x

then combine 10x - x2 = 30x

-x2 =20x

then take the sqrt of each side...

what am I doing wrong??

Penny Nom lui répond.
Pre algebra 2014-10-12
mohamed pose la question :
i want to know the meaning of pre algebra
Penny Nom lui répond.
A quarter mile row of trees 2014-10-09
junna pose la question :
a farmer would like to plant trees on one side of his lot which is 1/4 of a mile in a length His friend advised him that if he would plant the trees 5 feet farther apart,he would need 44 fewer trees.If the farmer would take the advice, how many trees would he plant?
Penny Nom lui répond.
Why express fractions in lowest terms? 2014-10-09
John pose la question :
I teach in a Faculty of Education. A colleague in the university asked me about fractions and lowest terms. I am quoting the person below, and would appreciate your insights into the question/thought.

"One I'm struggling with is why (for example) 6/18 is not considered as good an answer to a fraction question as 1/3. The traditional response is that 6/18 is not in lowest terms so the question has not been finished until the fraction is reduced, but what actually makes the lowest terms answer the better one? Is it convention? Is there a way to explain why simplest form answers in fractions are right and and anything else is considered incorrect without alluding to some need for this 'good habit' elsewhere in math or science? Is there a real-life reason?" Thank you for any insights and if you have nothing to offer to this query, that is fine too. I appreciate your consideration. John

Robert Dawson lui répond.
A 20% markup 2014-10-09
Fatima pose la question :
What is the 20% markup price of $1.50
Penny Nom lui répond.
Maximizing the ticket revenue 2014-10-07
Allen pose la question :
An airplane whose capacity is 100 passengers is to be chartered for a flight to Europe. The fare is to be $150 per person, if 60 people buy tickets. However, the airline agrees to reduce the fare for every passenger by $1 for each additional ticket sold. How many tickets should be sold to maximize the ticket revenue for this flight?
Chris Fisher lui répond.
One zero to a quadratic expression 2014-10-06
Kevin pose la question :
Find a value of n such that f(x) = 3^x2 + nx + 6 only has one zero, is this the only solution to the question?
Penny Nom lui répond.
A tennis ball in a triangular prism 2014-10-06
Anna pose la question :
Hi, I need to find the the base and the height of a triangular prism, but I only know the diameter of a tennis ball that fits exactly in the triangular container.. The diameter for the ball is 8.50cm. Can you help me find the formula? Thank you!
Penny Nom lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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