Shape Art
Geometry — Shapes

Materials needed:

  • "Shape Art" worksheet

  • Markers, pencils

  • String

  • Scissors

  • Tape

Work by yourself or with a partner.

  • Get a "Shape Art" worksheet. (if in a group you each get a sheet)

  • Move around the classroom looking for objects with various shapes.

  • When you find a few shapes put them together to form a picture.

  • Trace around the shapes on your worksheet to record the picture.

  • Once you have traced the picture write a shape sentence so I know how you made the picture. For example: one square + one circle + two triangles

  • Help each other with naming the shapes, or look to the bulletin board for the shape names.

  • Color your picture.

  • Cut out the picture and the shape sentence.

  • Add it to the bulletin board.

