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Nous avons trouvé 110 articles correspondant à votre recherche.
What are real world applications of trigonometry?
Students often ask where they will ever use trigonometry or why they need to study it. This note contains a use of trigonomerty in two areas where its use might be unexpected. One situation involves an artisan who needs the dimensions for a metal sculpture he is constructing and the second a homeowner who is disputing her property assessment.
What's my number?
This is a game that should be accessible to students who can perform mental, two digit arithmetic. The explanation of why it works involves base two arithmetic.
Why are satellite dishes parabolic? (HTML ou PDF)
A development of the mathematics which shows that a parabolic shaped satellite dish will focus the signal from a satellite to the focus of the parabola.
Why is a circle divided into 360 degrees?
Kurtis Kredo sent this question to Quandaries and Queries and we thought the answer Chris gave deserved to be in the Resource Room.
Why is lbs the abbreviation for pounds?
Nancy Mutdosch sent this question to Quandaries and Queries and we put Chris' answer here also as we thought it might be of interest to other teachers.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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