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Nous avons trouvé 20 articles correspondant à votre recherche.
Operations Activities
A collection of activities which deal with operations on integers and fractions. Debbie has gathered them from various sources and used them in her middle years classroom.
Taking Stock in Your Future - Intermediate Guide
This guide can be used by teachers in grades 7-9 to develop problem-solving and communicating skills through personal money management activities such budgeting and calculating, interest and compound growth and investing.

The Investor Education Fund is a not-for-profit organization funded by the Ontario Securities Commission. Its mandate is to promote financial literacy. One of the programs it sponsor is a cross-curricular teacher program. This teacher program includes free classroom-ready resources to develop students numeracy and financial literacy skills. Free paper copies can also be ordered.
The Amazing Mathematical Object Factory
AMOF, the Amazing Mathematical Object Factory produces lists of mathematical objects in response to customer orders. Products include permutations, combinations, pentominoes, magic squares, subsets and more. AMOF was created in the Computer Science Department of the University of Victoria and is currently on the SchoolNet site.
Upcoming Events and Deadlines
This note appears in the twelth edition of Ideas and Resources for Teachers of Mathematics, a newsletter published by the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers' Society. It contains a list of events in the summer and fall of 2000.
Website Corner
This note appears in the twelth edition of Ideas and Resources for Teachers of Mathematics, a newsletter published by the Saskatchewan Mathematics Teachers' Society. It contains a list of some websites recommended by SMTS members.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



accueil centre de ressources accueil Société mathématique du Canada l'Université de Regina PIMS