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Atlatl Lessons Grades 4-12

by Janice Cotcher

How to Make an Atlatl & Dart Resource Room

How to make an atlatl
Find a narrow “V” shaped branch that is about 1-2 feet long.

Cut off most of one side so that that is left is a notch. On the notch end of the atlatl, remove all of the bark so it will be easier to sharpen it. Carve the notch into a point that will act as a notched tip at the end of a bow (nock) for your dart.

How to make a flexible dart
Use long branches of flexible wood, like birch, that is no shorter than 4 feet long. Bamboo in 6 foot lengths can be found at most hardware stores. Level off any knots to make the dart as straight as possible. Carve an indentation at the back of the dart, this will allow the dart to rest on the nock. Notch the tip of the dart until it is sharp. If desired, attach feathers at the end of the dart with fine but durable thread.

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