Hidden Objects: Teacher Notes

  1. Activity Name: Hidden Objects

  2. Mathematics Topic: Geometry — Shapes and Solids

  3. Saskatchewan Math Curriculum Strand and Objective Numbers:

  4. Cels:

  5. Learning Objective(s):

  6. Grade Level:Grade 2/3

  7. Activity Time:10 min.

  8. Number of Students:Pairs

  9. Materials Needed:

  10. Procedure:

    Student’s Role:

    Students will get into groups of two, get a box, and a list of the objects that are in the box. One student will have the list and the other will be finding the object in the box. The student with the list has to describe a shape or solid to the other person. The student will describe the objects using the properties they have been learning like, the number of points, edges, faces, and types of faces; whether is symmetrical, and how many lines of symmetry. After the one student finds it they switch and the other student finds an object.

    Teacher’s Role:

    Teachers records anecdotal records to assess whether students are using the proper terms when describing the properties of the shapes and solids and if the student is able to find the shape or solid on their first try.

  11. Adaptation(s)/Extension(s):

  12. Resources:

    Saskatchewan Education. (1992). Mathematics: A curriculum for the elementary level. Regina, SK: Author.

  13. Assessment/Evaluation:
