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unit circle

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3 articles trouvés pour ce sujet.
Trig functions and the unit circle 2014-10-02
Jake pose la question :
I was wondering what conclusions can be drawn about the trigonometric functions and how they work about the circle. Can you also please give me an explanation for it? Thank you.
Penny Nom lui répond.
Reference angles 2007-08-25
Jenny pose la question :
find the reference angles for the angles given below, find the quadrants in which the angles lie
1. 0=6n/7
2. 0=3.3

Stephen La Rocque lui répond.
The unit circle and trigonometry 2001-04-05
Ashley pose la question :
"My teacher wants us to find out what a unit circle is, which I found out, a circle with the radius of 1, but the problem is he wants us to show the relationship between the unit circle and the sine(30,45,60 degrees), cosine(30,45,60 degrees),and tangent ratios(30,45,60 degrees). I need help with this and my teacher will not help us out. Thanks very much ...
Penny Nom lui répond.



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