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two circles inscribed in a rectangle

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Un article trouvé pour ce sujet.
Two congruent circles in a rectangle 2012-10-20
Alexander pose la question :
Have you ever solved a problem, in which you have a rectangle, from which you need to cut the largest two circles of equivalent diameter? I bisected a rectangle diagonally, but the circles, while tangent to two of the sides, are not tangent to eachother. Can you devise a method for two equivalent circles, that are tangent to two sides, are also to eachother?

Take for example a piece of paper, Each if the two largest circles has a diameter that is greater than the distance to the midpoint of the diagonal bisector of the rectangle.

Chris Fisher lui répond.



Centrale des maths reçoit une aide financière de l’Université de Regina et de The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences.



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